Vezot Habracha
Blessings are not printed. Blessings are drawn.
The culminating portion is titled, “And this is the blessing.” Here are the blessings Moses drew from the Source to flow upon the twelve tribes. The Torah that Moses connects us to is the legacy of Jacob’s congregation. Moses ascends Mount Nebo, beholds the land, and passes away. Moses is buried in the valley below and no one knows where till this very day. Moses was mourned and no man was as great or as humble as he. The culminating verse concludes: “And all the strong hand, and all the great awe, which Moses performed before the eyes of all Israel.”
Torah In The Winter
On Simchat Torah we read Vezot Haberachah in conclusion of the annual Torah-reading cycle. It is the day of rejoicing the Torah, but not of receiving it.
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Breaking the tablets symbolized a severing of the relationship between G-d and the Jewish people, an act which constitutes Moses’ greatest achievement
Read MoreThe Rebbe On Why Moses Broke the Tablets
In breaking the tablets, Moses was acting on his own, contrary to his divine mission to deliver G-d’s Torah to the world. In breaking the tablets, Moses, who could not presume that G-d was to replace the first tablets with a second pair, was eradicating his very being, his very raison d’etre, for the sake of his people.
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