Can I Be a Good Person Without Believing in God?

Before we tackle such a large question, let’s back it up for a moment here and define what a “good person” truly is. Is being a good person something we are or something we do? Does it refer to someone who possesses a good personality, or one who performs good deeds? Are good people born or made? Is goodness different than spirituality and divinity?

Being a good person is quite simple; it is knowing that you, and everybody else, has a purpose in life. Imagine what your life would be like if you went around fully aware that you matter, and that everybody else matters! Would you be able to be mean, be disrespectful, or be petty? What if you saw other people, and yourself, as souls rather than as bodies? If there was no higher calling, no higher purpose to this world, what would goodness even look like?

Join Rabbi Jacobson for a fascinating discussion on how to be a sincerely good person. Tap into the deeper energy and get to the root of where goodness and kindness truly stem from.

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3 years ago

Thanks Rabbi.
I am a big fan of yours, as you always confirms my own beliefs, and I am sometimes sad of how G-d is being defined. And you are so right about the stereotypes! I use to be one of these judgmental of stereotypes, not anymore, I get to know each person as an individual. It is very easy to fall into that trap. It seems that following in the path of love and goodness is the right path. I always follow my heart, even that sometimes there can be a risk associated to it, but I trust in G-d to guide me. I laughed when you said the more spiritual and the less religious, this is me! Although looking at you, both can coexist! I still learn and practice goodness’s a journey with lots of scope.
bless you Rabbi. Thank you for helping this world to be a better place.

The Meaningful Life Center