Do You Know How to Sing?

Do you like to sing? This question is different than “do you know how to sing?” Most (all?) people like to sing (whether they are capable or not). Many of us sing to ourselves at various times (perhaps even embarrassing ones) — in the shower, under our breath, when we get anxious. We sing and tap along to familiar melodies. There is something very melodic about our souls. Music seems to mirror the inner rhythms of our psyche. It can move us, transport us, to other times and places — even beyond time and space. We often feel most at home when we hear a touching song. It’s called resonance. What is it about song that reaches into us like nothing else? What can we learn from this? How can we use melody as a tool — music therapy — to heal our aching souls and infuse us with renewed hope? Is music simply a temporary escape, or can we make it part of our lives? Poetically stated: Can we always be singing (audibly or not)?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this intimate Elul workshop and learn how to access your inner song. As we read in this week’s haftorah, “Arise, shine, for your light has arrived,” discover how melody, the language of your soul, can carry you to new and exciting places.

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60 Day Journey

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