How to Become More Secure

Are you secure or insecure? Not a comfortable question to answer. Collectively, is our generation more insecure than previous generations? We certainly are more comfortable and prosperous, but are we more self-confident? Is there a formula for becoming a more secure person? Is self-esteem inherent or acquired?

There are many reasons to be insecure today. Every where you turn the social order seems to be rupturing. From the recent massacre in Nice to the brutal murders of police officers in the USA, from Brexit to the political upheavals in the American Presidential race, from Muslim terrorism to a very shaky Middle East and Europe — nothing seems very certain. Even the ever accelerating technology is upending our existing systems and institutions. How can one find equilibrium without burying your head in the sand? Is there a way to develop security

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in a a sweeping and eye-opening workshop that takes us back to ruptures and upheavals that shook up the world two millennia ago, gleaning lessons from those events then, on how to build a more secure life and a more secure world.

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