The Light Within the Dark

Chanukah Workshop

Physics calls it a black hole. Pessimists call it hopelessness. Modern psychology is just beginning to come to grips with what has been coined everything from denial to repression (or its deliberate cousin: suppression). Freud called it the “dream censor” or “disguise censorship.” Whatever name you use, it is essentially the (conscious or unconscious) human effort and investment of enormous energy to conceal something in our psyches. Basically, it’s a form of inverted energy — power being exerted not to reveal but to repress — fueling everything from our fears and insecurities to our inhibitions and demons. However, as significant as this force is in shaping our lives very little is known about its power. And for obvious reasons: all its energy goes toward hiding its own presence. Imagine how our life would be changed if you were able to enter into the engine room of your psyche, into the darkest crevices and ugliest corners of your unconscious, and uncover how your energy is being directed? And even more importantly — have ways to redirect and re-channel your power lines to fuel positive thinking and actions rather than sustaining your innermost fears and anxieties?

Science has begun to explore the vast field of light and energy, including the nature of dark matter and dark energy. Psychology has yet to truly enter this domain in our psyches. The good news is that the Torah preceded them all and declared right at the beginning — “Let there be light” What existed before light? A state called “darkness and light mixed into one.” The meaning of this teaches us volumes about our own inner and unconscious light, as well as about our repressed black holes.

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in a unique Chanukah workshop exploring this new frontier — call it the psychological perspective on light/energy — which is actually the story of Chanukah. What implications does light — and all its scientific and spiritual qualities — have in our personal lives? Can we release a light that has been trapped and locked away for many years? Discover how the festival of lights reveals for us secrets of our souls, and how to tap into the deepest light of all — the light within the dark.

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The Kabbalah of Chanukah

Your free guide to a meaningful Chanuka with insights from Rabbi Simon Jacobson, author of the best-seller Toward a Meaningful Life, and Rabbi Yanki Tauber, author of Inside Time.

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