Word-Count: Do You Have Book Inside You?

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Is there truth to the adage that “everyone has at least one good book in them?” Most people sure feel that way, with surveys showing that 81 percent of Americans believe that they have a book in them. Some cynics add that even if it’s true, most people would do best to keep their book right there — inside them… Obviously, this cynicism is based on a demeaning view of humans, with a touch of arrogance, especially coming from authors who somehow think that they are the only ones with a story to tell.

What does the Torah have to say about this? Something fascinating. Not everyone may have have the skill to write a book, but every single individual is an entire book of his/her own, with its own unique plot and distinct narrative. Do you know what your story is like?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this book-related Hei Teves workshop and learn how to discover the book within you — your exclusive chronicle, which tells the inner story of your life. Contrast that with the story of your outer, superficial life, your daily pedestrian routines and activities, and find out how to uncover the hidden choreography of your epic story and how to live that out.

Too many of us have had our story written by others. Isn’t it time to write your own, true, story?

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Harry Pearle
9 years ago

Dear Rabbi Jacobson, I think this talk has to be one of your very best. Right now, I am wrestling with a book idea for education reform. But I worry that it will be too boring, and no one will want to read it! So, I have given some thought to making it autobiographical in nature. Maybe I can mix education ideas with my own struggles in education.

Second, I wish you (and other Rabbis) would mix your own personal stories in with your ideas. If you just talk about other people, it feels too detached. It is as if you have no personal problems, that you are ALOOF, taking down to people. The letters of the word ALOOF can be rearranged as A FOOL.

Again, thank you for coming to Rochester and thank you for accepting the EASY button. I can say more about the button and its use if you are interested…. Hatzlacha Raba Harry http://www.SavingSchools.org

9 years ago


I wish you more Jokes and less frowning for the next birthday. Keep a pencil between your teeth often and train your facial muscles to turn that frown upside down 😉
We all need to discipline ourselves to smile, please remind us all to do that, even when it seems we have no obvious reason to smile.
Smiles and laughter can be contagious, we all need to make this happen.

The Meaningful Life Center