A gift from G-d, your body is a vehicle for your soul. Thus, while one must exercise the body, one should never worship it.
Does the Torah put more emphasis on a healthy soul than it does a healthy body? Can one be healthy while the other isn’t? Why are so many doctors Jewish? Does medicine come from G-d? It definitely seems like the Torah puts more emphasis on jogging one’s memory than it does on jogging period. Maybe it’s because we are created in the Divine image, and we don’t want to Photoshop that image by editing it too much? Does prayer have medicinal properties?
Shemini Atzeret: Breakthrough
Go deeper into your experience of concluding this year’s Torah reading cycle and beginning anew with ideas and stories from The Meaningful Life Center.
Read MoreIs Psychology Good For Us? Are Therapists Necessary?
We should be striving to a psychology imbued with the confidence in the resilience and fortitude of the soul, and one that follows a higher moral calling.
Read MoreAre You Damaged Goods?
So there you have the psychology of Chassidus: There is no such thing as damaged goods.
Read MoreMedicine, Psychology and Spirituality
How much of a role do religious practices, faith and trust in G-d play in the healing process?
Read MoreHow the Alter Rebbe Changed the World
Over two centuries ago Rabbi Schneur Zalman presented us with an invaluable model of life that can be appreciated now more than ever. Freud and his colleagues may be the fathers of psychology today. But the Alter Rebbe is the true father of the psychology of tomorrow.
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