The Student Anti-Violence Walk Out: A Spiritual Perspective On The Power Of Youth

Whatever your opinion is about the best ways to prevent school shootings, it’s impossible to ignore and not be touched by students around the country rising up demanding action be taken to prevent violence in our schools. When an approximate one million young people, from kindergartners through high-school seniors, take to the streets, we all should take pause and ask: What lessons can this teach us? What is it about the young that makes them so idealistic and so fearless? What can we learn from them, especially from their ability to forever alter mountains that otherwise seemed unmovable?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this empowering discussion on the psycho-spiritual power of our young — our most precious commodity and the ones who carry our future destiny — and discover how we can harness this enormous energy into a force for change. Learn how the purity of youth – unadulterated by the cynicism of material life – has the power to change worlds. We’ll call it the youth revolution.

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