The Kabbalah of Fire

Theme: The Kabbalah of Fire

Fire is one of those things you can’t live with and you can’t live without. Get too close to fire or if the fire gets too large and close to you, it can wreak terrible devastation, consuming everything in its path (witness the recent wild California fires). On the other hand, life could not exist without the warmth and light of fire. What is fire and what role does it play in our lives?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this special Chanukah program as he dissects the anatomy and soul of fire. Discover how a flame reflects the human soul. By studying and “listening” to the the inner “personality” and “psyche” of the flames we learn fascinating facts about ourselves, providing invaluable lessons how to build — and grow — healthy lives and relationships.

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5 years ago

Thank you!
That was lovely.. Delightful!
Happy Chanukah!
Love & Light!

Rozy Power
5 years ago

Thank you so much I really enjoyed this talk. I love to share the warmth of my flame kindness is love in action from the eternal flame. Happy Chanukah may the eternal flame burn ever bright. Blessings

Rabbi Happyman
5 years ago


“Twas the night before Chanukah and all thru the house, All were asleep,  and I with my spouse.

The power of G-d inspired our souls, Informing us deeply of our lower world roles.

Our dreams sent from Heaven
Were comforting and cool,
A guide for us, and a lofty tool.

Thank you G-d for my Earthly life. My family, food, neighbors and wife.

When I see you in Heaven, I shall highly rejoice
For loving and accepting The Jews as your choice.
(C) Rabbi Happyman 2018

The Meaningful Life Center