Does it Matter What People Think About You?



To what degree are we impacted by what others think of us? Do we behave differently when wanting to please others? Who would we be if we did not feel the need to satisfy or accommodate others? Healthy relationships and friendships require a measure of mutual accommodation, and sometimes compromise as well, but where do we draw the line to ensure we stay true to our identities, even in face of the human need to seek approval?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in another classic talk candidly addressing issues that often remain unspoken. Learn to look at yourself in a new way — who would you be if you did not fear being different? What kind of life would you live if what others thought of you would be a mere afterthought? To be me, or not to be me? To conform, or not to conform? This talk will teach you how to answer the question: Should it matter what people think about you?


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The Meaningful Life Center