Good & Evil
One lights candles, while the other tries to snuff them out.
People are afraid of good and evil. As a matter of fact, people are often more afraid of good than they are of evil. Good compels you to be good, but evil doesn’t compel you to be anything. You may deny evil, or even ignore it; but you cannot be indifferent to good. We like to believe that there are no absolutes. But just because we like to believe doesn’t mean those beliefs are true. Absolutes can be broken down into actions: a good deed (charity) is absolute good; an evil act (hate) is absolute evil. Do more good deeds than evil and the world becomes good. Absolutely.
Joseph: The Prince of Egypt
Lessons on loyalty and royalty: the journey from pauper to prince
Read MoreKorach: The Rebel
Lessons on authority and bureaucracy: When to challenge and when to accept?
Read MoreMoses: The Ultimate Leader
Lessons on humility, trust and communication: how one modest man became the greatest leader of all time.
Read MoreJacob and Esau: The Battle between Good and Evil
Lessons on confrontation and peace: how to balance matter and spirit and merge the body and soul
Read MoreThe Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon
We have always been mystified by the moon — it’s haunting presence shimmering in our night sky. We have studied the moon and its effects on life on earth, we have spent trillions to travel to, land on and explore our lonely lunar sphere …
Read MoreSweetening Severities: How to Deal with Difficulties
Get a glimpse at suffering as seen through the eyes of a great mystic.
Read MoreThe Kabbalah of Curses
To understand the deeper meaning of these blessings dressed up in the “garments” of “curses” requires a penetrating look into the forces that lay beneath the surface of existence in general.
Read MoreThe Big Confrontation – Jacob & Esau Meet
Each of us must ask ourselves the question: Is my material life aligned with my spiritual one? Have I integrated what I do with who I am?
Read MoreFighting Evil with Good
Let us fight evil with good. Let us create a true revolution.Let us move heaven and earth with our actions. We have been promised that when we do, we will save the universe – literally.
Read MoreOur Response to Tragedy
The response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger holy land, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreWhere is G-d When I Cry?
There is such darkness in this world, such unbearable pain, such untold suffering. Where is G-d in all of this?
Read MoreRighteous and Just
Abraham’s mandate is as important today as ever. And his persistence teaches us the power of one individual’s choice, how much it can accomplish.
Read MorePossibilities
In Eikev, this week’s Torah portion, we begin to deal with one of life’s biggest questions: “What am I truly capable of achieving”…
Read MoreMoney and Spirituality (Part 1/5)
Part I of a discussion on money and spirituality including a look at different economic systems.
Read MoreWill G-d Strike Me With Lightning?
Seven myths and facts about the ancient mystical Jewish view on the relationship between our choices and their outcomes…
Read MoreThe Pure Ones
The innate purity within children and their effortless connection to the Divine is examined, despite popular scientific theories and thought to the contrary.
Read MoreWhen No is Greater than Yes
Avoiding the wrong thing is better than doing the right thing; protecting is better than serving (Samech Vav) as seen in Parshat Naso and the wilderness.
Read MoreShavuot: The Twins – Duality & Unity
The concept of duality in matters of body and spirit are examined with respect to the opposing natures of twins Jacob and Esau.
Read MoreMoney and Spirituality (Part 2/5)
Part II of a discussion on money and spirituality including class struggles and wealth as the foundation of the material world.
Read MoreThe Fall and Rise of Nations and Overcoming Fear
Overcoming fear: To face the transitions and battles of life you must fortify your inner life. You must build a strong inner core – a home and family that provides you with the security and confidence to handle any force or enemy from without.
Read MoreAbraham Today
Interesting to envision how a man who lived over 3700 years ago would react to our world and what he would do to improve our condition.
Read MoreYom Kippur: Your Inner Child
Once a year on Yom Kippur, the high priest entered the Holy of Holies. In the same vein, each person should enter his own holy of holies.
Read MoreWhat Is A Baal Teshuvah?
The baal teshuvah, who frees the sparks of divinity imprisoned in the realm of the forbidden, is examined in contrast with the tzaddik, who has more limited powers.
Read MoreFive Roots of Trauma Revisited
Using the concepts of The Five Roots of Trauma, this article looks at the five tragic events that took place on the 17th of Tammuz..
Read MoreSpiritual Auditing: A Letter from the Rebbe
Spiritual auditing is part of preparing for Yom Kippur. Learn about taking an honest accounting of your deeds before Yom Kippur.
Read MorePurim: Middle East Revisited
Perhaps the most intriguing, and definitely the most mysterious, character in the Purim Megilah is King Achashverosh, the Persian leader who ruled the world
Read MoreNoah: A Tale of Two Floods
G-d promised the human race that another flood would never come again. So we need not fear that the flood of violence and fear swamping our innocent brothers and sisters in Israel will turn into an apocalypse or Armageddon.
Read MoreA Slumber and a Headache
Revisiting the 42-stationed journey in the desert from the Exodus of Egypt (that marked our birth as a nation) to our entry into the Land of Israel.
Read MoreFree Agent
In the case of the Spies in Parshat Shelach G-d said, “I’m not telling you what to do—do as you see fit.” G-d was opening a new arena of human potential.
Read MoreThe Doorway of Choice
Free choice; good and evil: the deeper significance of the divine voice’s “short stop” at the doorway of the Sanctuary.
Read MoreKnowledge and Naught
Drinking until one does not know the difference between Haman and Mordechai on Purim is explored in conjunction with the concept of the tzaddik versus the baal teshuvah.
Read MoreThe Fifth Dimension
The laws regarding leavened bread on Passover are much more stringent than those dealing with other foods as this food has significant intrinsic meaning.
Read MoreAn Eye and a Sigh
A story of two devoted neighbors, one living a spiritual life and the other a material one, and their surprising judgments at death.
Read MoreEikev: Blackout
A personal message about the value of reflecting during the period after the 15th of Av when “the power of the sun” begins to weaken.
Read MoreDid G-d Want Adam and Eve to Eat the Fruit?
Did God want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge? What does this say about the existence of good and evil in the world, and purpose?
Read MoreRemember What Amalek Did to You: Symbols of Wine and Vinegar
A Chassidic discourse on “Remember what Amalek did to you on the road when you were going out of Egypt.” The symbolism of wine and vinegar.
Read MoreFree Choice
The ultimate criterion of “free choice” is not “Is it determined?” but “What determines it?” Every choice is determined by something, be it a rational motive or an intuitive flash of no traceable origin. True choice is when one’s course of action is determined by, and only by, the very quintessence of self.
Read MoreDoes evil come from G-d?
Philosophers and theologians of all ages have asked: Does evil come from G-d? If G-d is the essence of good, can there be evil in His work?
Read MoreVayeitzei: Overcoming Fear
Overcoming fear: To face the battles of life you must first fortify your inner life. You must build a strong inner core – a home and family that provides you with the security and confidence to handle any force or enemy from without.
Read MoreToldot: Our Response to Tragedy
The Jewish response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger Jerusalem, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: Can East Meet West?
Abraham surely knew how religious zealotry can breed intolerance, condescension, judgmentalism and prejudices of all sorts — feeding into the ugliest elements of human nature.
Read MoreOn the Non-Existence of Evil
Take a deep look at the non existence of evil. Explore the idea that “Everything that G-d does, He does for good” conception of evil and suffering, as experienced by Rabbi Akiva.
Read MoreThe Soul of Evil
When you learn this secret about the soul of evil, no evil will ever defeat you. When you learn this secret, you and your people will be free. Read Kabbalistic secrets to overcoming forces of evil.
Read MoreLight That Dispels Darkness: Why Do Good and Evil Exist?
We all struggle to fathom how a good and righteous G-d could allow so much suffering and could permit such atrocities in the world. An obvious question inevitably arises: Why did G-d create evil, and how can we reconcile it with His goodness? In other words, why do good and evil exist?
Read MoreHow Can a Good G-d Allow So Much Pain
Why do bad things happen to good people? How can God allow or do painful things? An open discussion on these tough questions.
Read MoreVayeirah : G-d’s Mysterious Ways
Our relationship with G-d is a two-way street: The more we immerse ourselves in our calling and the more dedicated we become to our mission, the more access we gain to the deeper mysteries of life.
Read MoreVayeitzei: The Root of Arab Rage
Sometimes the most obvious truths are not stated and acknowledged because we fear the unknown. But then when we do acknowledge them we begin to realize that we have the power to face the challenge.
Read MoreMattot: World War III
Rabbi Jacobson discusses the tragic murder of Leiby Kletzky, and calls for a war against cruelty to children.
Read MorePurim: An Open Letter to a Concealed G-d
We have lived in the dark long enough. It’s high time to take off Your mask and cloak, and show us Your face.
Read MoreBamidbar: Unconditional Love
We need to get beyond the labels and stereotypes that divide, and treat fellow Jews as our own family.
Read MoreVayikra: Absolute Evil?
The question becomes not how or why can evil exist in the presence of a benevolent G-d, but what allowed for it to emerge in the first place, and above all: What are we to do about it?
Read MoreVayishlach: Hypocrisy
Instead of seeing hypocrisy in our inconsistencies, we should be seeing in them our struggle to discover our true selves—a struggle that inevitably creates a dichotomy between what you believe and what you do.
Read MoreVayeishev: Madoff And Holtzberg
If money is the source of your power and security, than money will also be your source of destruction and disgrace. Because after all, money is transient, and anything transient can never provide the firm foundation of security.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Responding To Mumbai
Rabbi Simon Jacobson discusses the tragic 2008 killing of the Holtzbergs, Chabad shluchim, in Mumbai, India.
Read MoreToldot: Beyond Life And Death
My granddaughter just arrived from another world, and has brought us a message of hope. Despite the tragic losses and senseless pain, beyond the incomprehension of it all, life is born yet again.
Read MoreVaetchanan: Comfort My People
Many tears indeed can be shed for our children whose lives are prematurely “hijacked” by the demons of abuse and drugs; bright futures suddenly aborted; robbed of their possibilities; injured psyches.
Read MoreBeyond Virtue
In practical terms being holy means going out of your comfort zone and conventional behavior.
Read MoreThe Calling of Our Generation
The 20th century experienced some of the worst destruction and greatest advances this world has ever seen. In light of this dynamic globe, what is the purpose of our generation?
Read MoreBereishit: The Origin of Consciousness
Just like a machine cannot run if it’s not being used for what its engineer intended, we too cannot function smoothly if we are living dichotomies.
Read MoreYom Kippur: The Kittel
Comforts and freedom often lead to complacency, but Yom Kippur reminds us simultaneously of our troubles and our triumphs, encouraging us to reflect on the mysterious cycle of life.
Read MoreShelach: Jury Duty
Learning Samech Vav while doing jury duty: Living a spiritual life in a material world means engaging and transforming life not just avoidance & insulation.
Read MoreThe Dust of History
The cosmic struggle to reconcile spirit and matter are captured in the story of Jacob and Esau and the battle between these two opposing forces.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Before the Battle
Jacob’s descent to Charan and subsequent struggles in Laban’s household represent our own difficulties in this world, and indicate the necessity of bringing light to the darkest places.
Read MoreMatos: Religious Violence Part II
The context behind waging war in Biblical historical events and the Torah’s perspective thereon, as seen in Parshat Matot in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar).
Read MoreTazria: Divine Wrath
Understanding the apparent abundance of violence and anger in the Torah requires one to gain deeper insight into its literal and symbolic dimensions.
Read MoreMoney and Spirituality (Part 4/5)
In part four of “Money and Spirituality,” the true value of man is discussed, and the simultaneously socialist and capitalist approach of the Torah elucidated.
Read MoreMoney and Spirituality (Part 3/5)
Part III of a discussion on money and spirituality including material possessions and divine energy, ethical business, and the power of giving.
Read MoreThe War of Water and Land
In Parshat Shmot, Moses introduces us to the dichotomy of land and water, destruction and reparation, existing to keep the world in balance.
Read MoreShmot: Tsunami
In Parshat Shmot, Moses introduces us to the dichotomy of land and water, destruction and reparation, existing to keep the world in balance.
Read MoreVayeirah : The Mission Continues
The topics discussed include G-d’s plans “behind the curtain,” the power of prayer, and each individual’s mission in this world.
Read MoreNasoh: Balance
Understanding tiferet (balance) in Parshat Nasoh: balance between spirit & matter; body & soul; and love (chesed) & discipline (gevurah) in relationships.
Read MoreTerumah: The Passion
Once again the Jews are up on trial against the other religions of the world. Yet the nation must continue to stand strong as a “light unto the nations.”
Read MoreVayechi: The Sound of Darkness II
Does darkness have substance, or is it just the absence of light? Rather than trying to fight the darkness pushing us down, we should find inner peace.
Read MoreVayechi: Do our Shadows have Substance?
Embracing the duality of life in both its light and dark dimensions may not lead to nirvana, but will allow one to peacefully navigate the dynamic waters.
Read MorePurim 2: Shushan War
Part two of the previous week’s article, “Purim: Connect the Dots,” continues to explore the significance of current conflict in light of historical events.
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