Women & Men – Different But Equal?


After thousands of years of male dominance, we now stand at the beginning of the feminine era, when women will rise to their appropriate prominence, and the entire world will recognize the harmony between man and woman.  — Excerpt from Toward a Meaningful Life

Contemporary society is just beginning to delve into the true distinctions between men and women. Besides the obvious physiological differences, there are also differences in the way men and women think, speak, and behave.

In order to understand the essential nature of man and woman, we must do away with human subjectivity and look through G-d’s eyes. Every human being, man and woman, was created for the same purpose — to fuse body and soul in order to make themselves and their world a better and holier place. In their service of G-d, there is absolutely no difference between a man and a woman; the only difference is in the way that service manifests itself.

What are the differences between men and women?

Man and woman represent two forms of divine energy; they are the male and female elements of a single soul.

G-d is neither masculine nor feminine, but has two forms of emanation: the masculine form, which is more aggressive, and the feminine form, which is more subtle. For a human being to lead a total life, he or she must have both forms of energy: the power of strength and the power of subtlety; the power of giving and the power of receiving. Ideally, these energies are merged seamlessly.

Men are physically stronger. By nature, they are usually more aggressive and externally oriented. In contrast, a woman usually embodies the ideal of inner dignity. Some people confuse such subtlety with weakness; in truth, it is stronger than the most aggressive physical force imaginable. True human dignity does not shout; it is a strong, steady voice that speaks from within. The nature of a woman, while subtle, is not weak. And the nature of a man, while aggressive, is not brutish. For man and woman to be complete, they must each possess both energies.

The answer is not for men and women to try to be alike. All men and women must be themselves, realizing that G-d has given each of us unique abilities with which to pursue our goals, and that our primary responsibility is to take full advantage of those abilities.

What is true liberation for both sexes?

Though feminism rightfully calls for the end of male domination and abuse, and for equal rights for women, it is vital to get to the root of the distortion — that our focus in life, as man or woman, must not be simply to satisfy our own ego or needs, but to serve G-d. True women’s liberation does not mean merely seeking equality within a masculine world, but liberating the divine feminine aspects of a woman’s personality and using them for the benefit of humankind.

After so many years of male dominance, we are standing at the threshold of a true feminine era. It is time now for the woman to rise to her true prominence, when the subtle power of the feminine energy is truly allowed to nourish the overt power of the masculine energy. We have already proven that we can use our strength to slay the demons around us; let us now learn to nurture the G-dliness within.


Men and women must realize their respective equal roles and strive to complement each other in their shared struggle to improve life. In order to correct the abuse of male dominance, men must concentrate on using their dominant qualities for the good. They must use their strength to protect and preserve the feminine character, helping women realize their true potential in revealing  G-dliness, which the world so desperately needs today.

Learn about what it means to be a man or a woman, about masculine and feminine energy. Learn to live up to your potential, to balance these energies to lead a productive and meaningful life — a G-dly life. And finally, learn to appreciate and respect your male or female counterpart.

This is an excerpt from the best-seller, Toward a Meaningful Life starting at $13.99, from our MLC ShopAmazon

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Toward a Meaningful Life

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8 years ago

thanks all are created in the image of god

8 years ago

hallo dear siblings actually the narrator touch us cuze the man and women it is the paradoxical issue and controversial topic i appeal all of you to respect the women in view of nowadays the women faces a lot of obstacle in her life .so we should respect the women and give her all the women right… indeed dear brother’s and sister’s in this amazing issue ,i want to put my speech to and end by saying .you are worth my candle so thank you and that is all

8 years ago

When writing an essay on women discrimination, writers should look at the history. Their argument should be based on verifiable statistics. The information should be discussed in the concept of social economic consequences. Discrimination against women is one of the major societal problems over time now. It has brought major impact learning, domestic life, and community institutions as well. This challenge has been an issue globally. There has been a perception that women belong to certain professions for example; in nursing, teaching, and secretarial work.

8 years ago


The Very Truth Of All
8 years ago

Well with many women having a Career making a six figure income which they’re doing much better than many of us men make.

8 years ago

It is not impossible for one to understand the other. We all suffer the burden we are able to bear. One is not greater than another. Each complements the other. Identify as humans, as humanity. Understand another’s burden, so understand your own. If you can. 6 valid points? Your father and mother, and theirs. Or the question could not be asked.

8 years ago

Thank you for your topic

8 years ago

thanks a lot.this helped me a lot for my speech.i got a lot of applause from the class and i was at the top of the class

8 years ago

I realy like this topic and it helps me a lot in my work thnks

8 years ago

Hi, good topic is under discussing behind the every successful man there is woman. she always motivates him,supports him and even sacrifice for him many times.

8 years ago

male and female are a equel in india.

8 years ago

Quite a change in the women of today unfortunately compared to the women of years ago that were so much nicer with a much better personality as well. What in the world happened to them today?

3 years ago
Reply to  Truth

Really? Isn’t that what men used to do? Now you are blaming woman for giving men a taste of their own medicine?

5 years ago
Reply to  Truth

Social media and third wave feminism.
People always blames feminism as a whole but it’s actually the third wave that has become the problem, and also the internet. A balance will ensue with the universal law of cause and effect. We just need to stop encouraging the behaviour as a society, and it will change.

7 years ago

In Canada Women and Men are all most equel

7 years ago

But nowadays women are treating equal in the and sometimes women also take advantage of their rights .

5 years ago
Reply to  Supu

So did men when they had all the rights. Not condoning what women do, but it seems the human race is the problem and not just women and not just men. If the laws we’re fairer on men it would put women in check and men wouldn’t be so up in arms about gaining all the power back again.

5 years ago
Reply to  Supu

the fact that for wearing a singlet i get harassed and got turned away from a soccer club as ‘one woman’s team is enough, its gross and unwelcome’ sure is equal.

7 years ago

Can someone tell me who wrote this please?

7 years ago

brooo this helped me sm on my highschool essay i got an A ahhhahahh yay 😉

Raghu Nath Reddy Budda
7 years ago

Really. Why only men should take the provider role? Even though some women are working. Taking the provider role from working is different. 50% bills women must pay. But how many women are paying.

Marriage. Men should have property, men should have high salary, men should more height than women, men should more status etc. If men are lessor of any thing than women, No women will marry such men. So everything at the cost of man, man’s parents.

House work: Even men are doing house work.

When man is bringing his property into the marriage, how many women are bringing, we can count on fingers.

Provider role is forced on men. That is the reason men death rate three times higher compare to women.

Indian family laws are women oriented.

Why man should pay the maintenance in case of divorce? How come man is responsible? It is the women and women responsibility to have education. It is the women parents responsibility to give the property to the women.

50% domestic violence happening on men. 95% cases filed by women on husbands are false. 75% false rape cases.

When man is treated as ATM , how come dowry is a crime?

7 years ago

I would like to know if this was written based on how society views men and women or how God views men and women. I would also like to know where in the bible you have pulled your information from since this article states God.

7 years ago

My husband of 35 years never would talk through the role he was to play in the Community and family. He wanted all of his rights to be as equal as everyone else. To the point that for long periods of time we had to keep him from just taking those right through both blackmail, and legal means to keep him from harming others in the community with what he could take in those rights. Like the vacation times he wanted, the holidays he wanted, even the weekends he wanted had to be denied for fear that the first time he had a marital life or time off he would take all that was due him by a UAW contract, causing others to miss out on life dreams and needs.

He became violent in 2001 in taking what was due him. Many have been hurt over the last 17 years with his absolute thought he had the control over his own life without considering others needs.

In 2001 Over a job bid he took over the need of 4 of the societies younger leaders he left them on our front porch and in the street as critical care patients in a display of combat arts that nobody had ever witnessed before, it took less than one minute after the county commissioners son took the first swing to get my husband to back off a job bid him and three his friends took over the socialy higher sons in the community.

Then in 2009 we were trying to get him to wait for his first vacation since 1976, just 210 more days instead of hurting us over canceling his Orient express trip with me to let a young man with 32 years less seniority have his and his new brides honeymoon. He dislocated and tore the ACL in my shoulder to get the Refund check his father and I got for cancelling his trip, then it took seven men to stop him from strangling his father to death over his passport we were going to give TSA to hold until our flight was in the air. He still had to go work since the younger man was not going in, My husband and other seniority had him marched out of the plant terminated his first day back, Me and his father were in County lockup for 2 months for acting as false agent in canceling his vacation plans even though we had arranged a five week vacation beginning January the second 2010 as his time off instead of the two weeks on the Express in June july.

We could never get him to take the mind winter times offered instead of when everyone else wanted their vacations. HE just said here’s the contract and here’s my hire date, does it say there that

7 years ago

he owed any thing in his time and seniority rights to lower seniority just because they or momy and daddy had some kind of community position, Did it say in the nations or states constitution he had rights any less than those of any one else< Did it say any where except in my mercenary mind and his fathers good old boy network that he was to be a slave, work first to last light, and his father said he had one other option if he felt that way, He could have vanished and gone dark, My husband said He earned the life he was supposed to have why should he live like a fugitive, no name cash only jobs, no social security or pension, or even a 401 k because I could take it all when it was discovered where he was at. So In 2013 we were moved with my mothers and his help 1230 miles to the west, in 2014 after the birth of our son we went back to sell and get the rest of what was left leaving our four month old with my mother out west. Things with that return went real bad.

Within two days my husband told his father that the house was still his house, that the equipment being used for a memorial day cook out was his ands the food that was going to be served he had bought, he was not taking 200 dollars and going any where, and the only person that went any where with me was him, That day was the destruction of 32 years of tradition, starting with his staying then the taking of the reservation for me and his fathers best friend and then my husband breaking his fathers jaw after he backhanded his son telling him he would just do as he was told, My husband backhanded his father across the kitchen and took me to the club himself. Where he proved he could be a barbarian with any one when the doorman pushed him into the street refusing entry. All everyone saw the second the doorman's foot hit a public sidewalk pushing was the doormans face slamming into the pavement and my husbands knee going into his spine. That's when I realized that there was not going to be a peace with my husband with any body there.

All I ask any more is what else were we to do with the kind of defiance shown, Should I have just let him do as he pleased and had the life he wanted watching the chaos he would create in its wake or did I do the right thing choosing his fathers and society's route, Its apparent the courts now back my husband, we have not completely stopped him in his tracks for years, I and his father were jailed over taking his reservations in May of 2009 we have both been under home arrest for trying to hold him from doing more damage to lives. And I don't even want to go back after his parents died.

Neyona monisha
7 years ago

Tqs a lot dis topic helped me a lot …for my debate

The C
7 years ago

Dreamt of a sweet, caring, compassionate, forgiving, woman who is oriented with God’s will and willing to submit to His plan for her life.

Married a woman who is type-A and very career and academically oriented. She has become pretty frequently foul-mouthed and opinionated, doubtful of the Bible and questioning of everything in it, severely untrusting of the church, and with lengthy periods with nothing but criticism for me.

I love my wife but my heart longs for her to be like the person I dreamed of.

5 years ago
Reply to  The C

When she is being doubtful and questioning, that means she is critically thinking and considering the circumstances and the nuanced world around her. That’s something that should be celebrated and acknowledged as a positive attribute.

7 years ago

Thnx for your article

7 years ago

I am doing a project for women in the military and looking for an equal quality about men and women’s physical build. Could anyone help me?

7 years ago

thank this really helped a lot with writing my essay

7 years ago

It’s really nice .

7 years ago

It help us to distinguish between both male and female.

6 years ago

Tnx for your perfect article .

shreyas gowda
6 years ago

it is very nice ,

male and female are equal in india

5 years ago
Reply to  shreyas gowda


lynn oliver
6 years ago

The belief boys should be strong allows aggressive treatment from infancy so they will be tough. There is less verbal interaction support for fear of coddling. This creates high, maintained layers of average stress for boys (new thought will send to all). These layers remain in the mind taking away real mental energy from academics so they will have to work harder to receive the same mental reward. This treatment creates emotional distance of others. It creates lags in communication girls are given daily. The high stress creates activity for stress relief not genetics. This creates higher muscle tension which hurts handwriting motivation. The effect with false genetic models creates more failure and hopelessness. To make it tougher boys are given love honor feelings of self-worth only on condition of achievement. This was designed to keep Male esteem low and be willing to give their lives in war for love honor from society. Males not achieving are given ridicule and discipline to make them try harder. Support is not given for fear of coddling. Many boys falling behind turn their attention to sports and video games for small measures of love honor not received in school. The belief boys should be strong and false belief in genetics create denial of the harsh treatment which is creating the low academics low esteem and other problems for boys. This is not about more openness from boys; it is about society allowing aggressive treatment from infancy so boys feel much wariness toward parents teachers who freely use aggressive treatment for any sign of weakness. This is condoned by society. This problem is affecting all male children but the lower the socioeconomic bracket and time in lower areas the much more amplified the treatment given male children by parents/teachers.
As girls we are given much support and care by parents teachers peers. As girls we are treated better and so enjoy support from society. Since we as girls are given by differential treatment much mental social/emotional support verbal interaction and care this creates the opposite outcome for girls when compared with boys. We receive love honor simply for being girls. This creates all of the good things. We have lower average stress for ease of learning. We enjoy much freedom of expression from much protection by society. We enjoy lower muscle tension for ease in writing motivation to write. We enjoy much positive trust/communication from parents teachers and support for perceived weaknesses. We are reaping a bonanza in the information age. Now with girls and women taking over many areas of society we enjoy more lavishing of love honor from society while boys and men are now failing more and are given more ridicule and abuse by society. Mind you this is now coming from girls and women using our still protected freedoms of expression and more with false feelings of superiority.

5 years ago
Reply to  lynn oliver

This is nonsense. I never experienced any kind of stress and i still lift more than the no. 1 female weight lifter.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jerry

Actually, YOU are the one who’s writing nonsense. lynn oliver is right and I don’t understand why you are so biased. Do you think WEIGHT LIFTING proves everything??? Please, strength is the basics of ANIMALS and in the modern world- that can get you nowhere.

6 years ago

do woman earn less than men for equal work
is it true most rural woman are unemployed

6 years ago

Why can’t we just be equal

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew


6 years ago

אני משווק של היבואן הרשמי של סמסונג .

אני פונה באופן אישי לעסקים שלדעתי יהיו מעונינים בפריבילגיה

לגבי הדגם החדש של סמסונג


האם אפשרי לשוחח בטלפון ?

6 years ago

subs me plzzz

6 years ago

Hello. And Bye.

6 years ago

Both should be treated equally

Foreign Love Web
6 years ago

Based on Mark Davis of “Dream Connections” agency, a man and a woman must be equal and fair with each other.

They are different physically, mentally, and emotionally.

But, they are both human, eternal, imperfect, sinful, and held responsible for their actions, words, and thoughts especially by God.

If they want their relationship to work, they must have equality, honesty, communication, and other godly qualities.

6 years ago

I’m truly enjoying the design and layout of your site.
It’s a very easy on the eyes which makes it much more enjoyable for me to come here and visit more
often. Did you hire out a designer to create your
theme? Outstanding work!

harmonica (Theda)

6 years ago

Men are not physically stronger than women, science just proved that men are the weaker sex. And saying that men are naturally more aggressive and that women are naturally more subtle is only talking stereotypes. So much for telling men and women to be themselves…

5 years ago
Reply to  Gwynneth


5 years ago
Reply to  Gwynneth

“Men are not physically stronger than women, ïscience just proved that men are the weaker sex.” haha, right. Men lift 3x times more at Strongman than the women lifters. The most powerfull women aren’t even close to the male lifters. You can check the strongman stats yourself, if you want prove ofc.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gwynneth


John Doe
6 years ago

Women today Aren’t like the good old days at all unfortunately.

The Person
4 years ago
Reply to  John Doe

You’re right. They’re better. (No discrimination towards the women back then)

5 years ago
Reply to  John Doe

True that

6 years ago

your guys and girls responses are very touching I known what’s mist of u are going through

it's gals, not girls
5 years ago
Reply to  Hallie

*guys and gals
or boys and girls

use the exact opposite word choice

adil zaidi
6 years ago

I read the nature deeply. you are right man and woman are different in shape but they have the equal right in every aspect. because by giving women equal rights in every aspect give us a true wise companion. what you think a man dominance shows one man show and equal right couple are the true partners and more stringer than man dominance.

6 years ago


jay p
6 years ago

thanks for all the thing that you told me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

almighty pro
6 years ago

men are physically stronger than women

i hate boys
5 years ago
Reply to  almighty pro

well that is quote on quote physically not true.

1 year ago
Reply to  i hate boys

You are wrong..males are superior.

5 years ago

Yes I agree

5 years ago

Why men has the most powerful speech god has given? Need answer please

Hussam nusair
5 years ago

the author’s name, please

woman hater
5 years ago

i think this article is STUPIDDDDDDD😡

hamza ayadi
4 years ago

yes i agree good article —->niceee

The Meaningful Life Center