Abusive Parents

Meaningful Mondays: Change your life in three minutes.

Gain a refreshing perspective to face life’s obstacles with renewed courage and confidence in this 3 minute series, every Monday.

This week’s question: “How can I help my abusive father overcome his anger issues. Rabbi Jacobson answers this question based on thousands of years of mystical and psychological wisdom.

Submit your question anonymously: https://www.meaningfullife.com/meaningfulmondays

Live with Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Finding Your Self Worth (Even When You’re Told You Don’t Have Any)
August 9, 2023 @8:30pm
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8 years ago

Thanks for this video. An important approach to take care of oneself before getting entangled into other issues. This is something people probably have a very hard time doing. Because they feel, “He is my father, how can I not help him? How can I disconnect from him?, etc.” It takes strength to be able to sort of “move on” and focus on your own needs.

7 years ago

Please define abuse from a parent.

tzippi shore
8 months ago

love listening to Rabbi Jacobsen’s shiurim. He is so wise and an eloquent speaker, but he needs to lose those glasses.

The Meaningful Life Center