In the hierarchy of body and soul, the soul is intuitively regarded as superior. A spiritual experience would seem to belong in the domain of the soul, not the body. Indeed, one may argue that to experience the spirit you need to let go of the material body. So where does that leave our bodies? In the cosmic scheme, is the body useless or even bad? Certainly not. Join best-selling author and counselor-to-thousands Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a three-minute talk about the body’s great spiritual potential. Using the example of eating a meal, Rabbi Jacobson explains how the body can help the soul create a better world.
Live with Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Jacob and Esau: A Battle For the Future
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 @8:30pm
Live Stream | Podcast
Some people might claim we are a three part unit-or-thing of body, soul, and mind/spirit(~)…I tend to relate more to the idea we are(besides the body ) a soul/essence that has informational, emotional, and energetic capacities.. what you said seems to relate to the bible verses ‘not by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of the Lord’ and the salt which looses it’s savor being thrown out in the street. It is interesting that these plants(apples, peaches, etc.,) should in hypothetical ignorance of the animals which would eat them(although not mandatory?), should devise wonderful delicious tasting fruits, or potatoes tubers which would store starch and sustain them through cold weather. Whether by design, they did this, or their plant souls called out and this was granted from beyond them?