When You Have Everything Except for Dignity
Parshat Devarim



You may have a brilliant mind, a sensitive heart, a warm soul, but seem to be lacking dignity. You may be wealthy, have everything one can hope for, but are missing a sense of pride and self-respect. Where does that leave you?

This is not merely an academic question. It lies at the core of some of our biggest challenges. Honor and dignity is the foundation of a healthy psyche. The lack thereof is the root of so many (if not all) of our personal, psychological and social battles and strife. The profound dissonance that currently exists between our unprecedented prosperity and our unparalleled lack of personal esteem is staggering. We may know the price of everything, but do not know the value of anything. We read more and more about less and less. Prosperity vs. value. What can be done about this gross imbalance?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this pre-Tisha B’Av discussion about a 2000 year old methodology for remedying the assault on dignity and the resulting fractured psyche. Discover the Kabbalistic formula of evaluating and diagnosing your own “ten spheratic” faculties, and identifying your state of dignity in relation to your cognitive and emotional health. Acquire proven techniques and recipes for rebuilding any shortcomings in your personality. Learn to repair a shattered psyche or enhance a healthy one.


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Parshat Devarim”

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