Three Ideas for Revitalizing Your Relationship


The danger of mundane life is that people who love each other can start to grow apart. In the midst of our daily grind, we may take our relationships for granted and not nurture them as we should. If you are feeling distant from your spouse and need to reconnect, here are three suggestions, which have been proven to work.

Write a heartfelt letter to your spouse.

When was the last time you told your spouse how much he or she means to you? Writing a detailed, expressive letter is an effective way to do that. Evoke feelings and speak from your heart. Open up and break the ice; find new words that are different from the way you have become accustomed to speaking to each other. Your words will not be in vain, even if your spouse does not respond immediately, because words from the heart enter the heart.

Take a technology break.

It is very hard to connect with the person sitting across from you when you are both looking at the screens of your devices. To revitalize your relationship, go on a date or set aside some quiet time together during which you turn off your devices and strictly pay attention to each other. Have heartfelt conversations, or reminisce about good times. Use the distraction-free time to revive the values, shared goals, and attraction that brought you together.

Do something to jolt yourself out of your routines.

Do something different to get different results: We minimize the impact of our habits. Motivation and passion comes from breaking out of our comfort zones — sometimes the desire to change is not enough, and we have to actually do something to jolt ourselves out of our habits. Shake up your relationship in a positive way. Come up with a creative idea. Get out of your normal environment. Dare to dare.

Exercise: Envision what it would be like to have a vibrant relationship in your MyMLC journal. What would it be like to transcend your differences with your spouse and experience unity? Use your imagination and be fearless while journaling. 


Go deeper into this subject: Reviving Intimacy | MyLife: Chassidus Applied Episode 5 | Love is in the Air

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