The biggest splits may sometimes create the deepest unities.
The free nation finds it difficult to leave its past behind. The people are being chased by their demons. It isn’t easy opening up when one was closed tight for so long. The sea splits, breaking open the divine possibilities and drowning the nightmare. Free for real, the people break into song and dance. A thirsty people inspire rock to turn into water; hungry people demand bread from heaven – manna – and their wails are answered by quails. On Shabbat one does gather sustenance; on Shabbat one connects with the Source of all sustenance. As the people discover, freedom is not the absence of foes; freedom is the ability to vanquish them.
Beshalach: Light
Explore the relationship between tzimtzum, light, and Ein Sof to discover your power to fuse the existential and non-existential.
Read MoreBeshalach: Moscow 2009
Yesterday, Moscow was destroying lives, today it is building them. Yesterday, Moscow all but annihilated Jewish life and morale. Today Jewish life is thriving here.
Read MoreBread from Heaven
Spiritual meaning of food: Food is the glue of life, the medium that holds body and soul together. So food, too, has both an “elementary” and a “particular” role in the sustenance of life.
Read MoreMiriam’s Song
Learn the spiritual meaning of Miriam’s Song, at the Exodus from Egypt. Based on an address by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Read MoreThe Three Loves of His Life
Love of G-d, love of Torah, and love of one’s fellow are in essence one. True love cannot exist in one of these areas alone, for they are all connected.
Read MoreFruit for Thought: Kabbalah of the 7 Species
What meaning lies within the fruits of the seven species?
Read MoreOn the Essence of Leadership
As Moses leads the Song of the Sea after the Jews escape the Egyptians, he demonstrates true leadership, for within Moses the soul of Israel was one.
Read MoreThe World as You
It was with bitterness in their hearts that the Children of Israel received their inheritance, and those feelings seeped into the gift.
Read MoreThe Amphibian Soul
Just as a fish lives submerged within the environment that sustains it, we must also immerse ourselves in the truth of our existence.
Read MoreAgricultural Man: Shavuot and Wheat
Each holiday marks the soul’s growth from a tiny seed to a sprouting shoot to a bountiful harvest.
Read MoreReading Right
Learning Jewish law is a process. Read carefully and correctly so as not to be hasty in judging others.
Read MoreAre You Sure?
Discover solutions to indecisiveness. There is no greater gift than certainty: The absolute conviction of knowing that you are precious and indispensable.
Read MoreBetween a Rock and a Hard Place
When confronted with a challenge, the best approach to overcome it is to keep moving forward.
Read MoreAll This Talk About Man
Learn about the different levels of the world, allowing space for human existence in a world created and governed by an infinite G/d.
Read MoreBeshalach: Israel & the Non-Jews
Israel’s spiritual centrality serves as a gift to all the nations, including the Jews who are charged with the task of bringing these nations closer to G-d.
Read MoreHow Crazy Are You?
Learn what happens when we access the true nature of our psyches. Discover the secret of madness, and the mystery of our innermost souls.
Read MoreAn Unknown Word that Carries the Secret to Everything
Discover the word and the letter that contains the secret to all success, growth, relationships, intimacy and… eternity itself.
Read MoreWhat to Do When You’re Stuck: Four Wrong Approaches and the Fifth Correct One
In this week’s Torah Portion, Beshalach, we encounter one of those most famous stories of the Bible, one that is told over and over again to the glee of children and to the fascination of adults: G-d splits the sea for the Jewish people to cross safely and finally escape the Egyptians, once and for all.
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