The father of a multitude of nations, he brought the One to the many and inspired the many to become one.
The son of an idol dealer, Abraham questioned everything. What is the source of all things? Who or what made everything be and who or what continues to make everything be? What is beyond the stars, brighter than the sun, before existence itself? In looking at the multitudinous of existence, Abraham realized that there is but One True Reality that makes it all happen. Abraham and his wife Sarah dedicated their lives to perpetuating the unity of existence to all people. Ultimately, Abraham and Sarah birthed a nation that would continue this legacy for all eternity. These are the Jewish people and Abraham is their father. Abraham was 175 when he passed away and is buried in the Double Cave in Hebron.
Ishmael and Isaac: A Timeless Family Feud
In this week’s Torah Portion, Vayeira, we discuss the two sons of Abraham – Ishmael and Isaac and their historic sibling rivalry; a fundamental dispute that continues to this very day.
Read MoreThe Secret to Personal Growth: Three Lessons from Abraham
In this week’s Torah Portion, Lech-Lecha, we discuss Abraham . hat fundamental lessons can we learn from him? What impact does his story and journey have on our every day lives?
Read MoreThe Greatest Step Ever Taken: How to Change Your Life
The greatest leap for mankind actually began with Abraham’s first step 3752 years ago. Learn the secret of creating true and lasting change in your life.
Read MoreHow Can a Child of Abraham Behead Anyone?
Uncovering the root of modern-day evil: Religious Extremism. Learn about how to fight it with a spiritual revolution, driven by a vision for all of mankind.
Read MoreEternity in a Second
Redefine your life and reshape your relationships by discovering how to bring every moment to life and turn every second into eternity.
Read MoreAre You a Pioneer?
Find out how to reconnect to the original you and learn how to discover your own inner pioneer from the first trendsetter of them all: Abraham.
Read MoreCan East Meet West? Transcendent Integration
Learn how can we bridge the schisms between people, communities, nations, cultures and faiths and how to achieve harmony between conflicts within us.
Read MoreAn Open Letter to the Muslim World
With atrocities being perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Allah — mass beheadings, rapes and murders of women and children, the killings of thousands of innocent people — why do we not hear any voice of protest from any of you?
Read MoreTen Challenges
Just as Abraham endured ten challenges, we, his children, undergo similar challenges. How we will rise to these ten challenges will define our lives.
Read MoreTo Intervene or Not to Intervene
The same question can be asked about every form of inappropriate behavior that we may witness: What is the right thing to do – to intervene or not?
Read MoreTo See the Divine
To see the Divine, you learn to savor every sight, every sound, every taste, every touch, every smell.
Read MoreAre You Your Own Worst Enemy?
The great gift of Torah is that it provides us with a Divine blueprint on how to live our lives. Your unique mission statement is embedded within you.
Read MoreHow to Treat Infidels
Faith in G-d extends to loving other people, regardless of their background and similarity to you. Faith is about extending love and compassion.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: Ishmael – How Does it End?
It was Sarah’s banishing Ishmael that ultimately caused him to return to the right path.
Read MoreVayeira: How to Treat Infidels
The evolution of religion and all its manifestations and distortions can be traced back to Abraham’s passionate faith and what he taught his children, and what they did or did not do with these teachings.
Read MoreLech Lecho: Iraq – Yesterday and Today
This essay explores the roots of the Iraqian quagmire, and ancient lessons that are relevant today more than ever.
Read MorePassover: Our Calling
Rabbi Jacobson responds to a challenging letter which poses the question: How do we respond to the ‘clash of civilizations’ in the Middle East today?
Read MoreThe Hebron Connection
The laws and history of the different types of korbanot (sacrifices) are explained in connection to the geography of the Holy Land.
Read MoreRedigging the Wells of Love
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are the forefathers from whom we learn Jewish values. In Abraham we see a fountainhead of Jewish generosity and social commitment.
Read MoreFather and Son
Despite the fact that they embodied two very different approaches to life, Isaac sensed that everything he is and has derives from Abraham, while Abraham saw in Isaac the fulfillment and realization of his deepest self.
Read MoreThe Return of Hagar
Dealing with the “Hagars” and “Ishmaels” in our lives—the raw and unruly elements in our nature, society and environment.
Read MoreA Day in the Life of an Old Man
A lifetime of seeking and achievement, of trials and triumphs, did not diminish Abraham’s thirst for life.
Read MoreThe Married Life
The ultimate manifestation of divine truth requires a union of the spiritual and the physical.
Read MoreDay in the Life of an Old Man
It is Abraham’s greatness that as he grew old, he continued to enter into his days.
Read MoreEliezer’s Story
Eliezer’s story is a classic example of the “toil of speech”—of the manner in which we apply our creative and communicative skills to create a world in partnership with G-d.
Read MoreThe Oven Stokers of Mezerich
An overheard conversation of the Oven Stokers of Mezerich. Chassidic story about self-sacrifice and Divine service.
Read MoreThe Natural Jew
The example of Abraham’s circumcision demonstrates, a mitzvah extends far beyond its momentary act of fulfilling the divine will.
Read MoreThe Frontier of Self
When we speak of the Akeidah, we also speak of those who trod the path this great deed blazed. Of the countless thousands who died for the creed of Abraham.
Read MoreThe Binding of Isaac: Event and Edifice
It is significant that Abraham bound his son on the site of the future altar, destined to embody the human commitment in the relationship between man and G-d.
Read MoreThe Years of his Youth
Not only did Abraham rush to fulfill the divine will with speed and alacrity, he also brought all the energy, passion and commitment of his youth to the deed.
Read MoreThe Third Millennium
In Abraham’s 75th year, a new era opened – the era of Torah. The era of tifferet, of the harmony and synthesis of the Divinely bestowed and humanly earned.
Read MoreGenuine Hypocrisy
Abraham understood that no human acknowledgment of G-d can ever be “hypocritical.”
Read MoreThe Irremovable ‘R’
The true mark of a teacher is one who can convey the most sublime truths to the most ordinary of minds, as Abraham did.
Read MoreThe Return of Hagar
Three years after Sarah’s death, Abraham remarries Hagar. Learn the significance of the return of Hagar, spiritually and as an historical event.
Read MoreFather and Son: Abraham and Isaac
Despite the fact that Abraham and Isaac embodied different approaches to life, the father and son had a respectful and symbiotic relationship. Learn a quick lesson on parents and children from this Torah story.
Read MoreSpiritual Coldness vs. Spiritual Heat
Nothing positive and holy can ever spring forth from spiritual coldness. When a person is faced with icy indifference he must reassess his spiritual life.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Overcoming Fear
Overcoming fear: To face the battles of life you must first fortify your inner life. You must build a strong inner core – a home and family that provides you with the security and confidence to handle any force or enemy from without.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: Can East Meet West?
Abraham surely knew how religious zealotry can breed intolerance, condescension, judgmentalism and prejudices of all sorts — feeding into the ugliest elements of human nature.
Read MoreAbraham’s Tent
Our own sukkot resemble the resting place that Abraham offered his guests. Yet there is also a primary difference between our sukkah and Abraham’s tent.
Read MoreAbraham Departed From Self to Self
In his journey of discovery, Abraham departed the “land, birthplace and father’s house” of his native Mesopotamia; but this is not the departure of which we are speaking… Abraham received this call many years after he had renounced the pagan ways of his family and birthplace, recognized G-d, and had a profound impact on his society. Still he is told: Go! Depart from your nature, depart from your habits, depart from your rational self. After rejecting your negative, idolatrous origins, you must now also transcend your positive and gainful past. Reach beyond yourself, albeit a perfected self.
Read MoreThe Greatest Journey Ever Taken
A lonely journey by a single man (accompanied by a small group of people) taken 3747 years ago changed the entire course of history!
Read More42 Journeys Part 7
This column has been following these journeys as we read through the book of Numbers – in an attempt to decipher the personal application and psycho-spiritual meaning and significance of the 42 journeys.
Read MoreBamidbar: Oil Prices
Ishmael has the power to confront Esau and Jacob with their wealth of oil. The presenting question is: Will the nations behave as is befitting the children of Abraham?
Read MoreWhy We Bless Each Other With a “Good and Sweet Year”
The meaning behind the phrase “sweet new year” is examined in relation to the concepts of judgment and concealment.
Read MoreBack To The Roots
Today our challenge is to rise above our finite mortality, our flaws and subjectivity, and embrace G-d on G-d’s terms.
Read MorePinchas: Religious Violence Part I
Pinchas, in Parsaht Pinchas, is a peaceful, selflessness zealot & exemplary in the face of current politico-religious tensions, radicalism and liberalism.
Read MoreVayeirah : The Mission Continues
The topics discussed include G-d’s plans “behind the curtain,” the power of prayer, and each individual’s mission in this world.
Read MoreVayera: Religious Selfishness
Abraham gave us the power to challenge G-d, asking Him to shift destiny. This we must when it comes to standing next to fellow Jews in defiance against G-d.
Read MoreLech Lecha: Are You a Conformist?
Only when one leaves their comfort zone are they able to discover who they truly are.
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