What can you learn from your dreams? Is there any merit in dream interpretation? According to the 3000-year-old wisdom of the sages, which presents a blueprint of the psyche, the content of dreams is usually a hodgepodge of nonsense and what you were thinking about during the day, memories, and random (even ludicrous) thoughts. As such, we usually don’t try to interpret the confused mix of dreams, even if they may include something significant (especially when they are repetitive). Nevertheless, dreams can be a part of meaningful self-development, in the following two ways:
1. Dreams teach you about a reality beyond the conscious.
Dreams offer you a glimpse into a reality beyond the conscious. The fact that dreams do not usually make sense is a reflection of the amorphous nature of the subconscious, which functions completely differently than the structured conscious mind. Although dipping into the subconscious can be disorienting, having that access via dreaming opens you up to a higher, transcendent state of awareness that there is more to existence than meets the eye.
2. Dreams teach you something you need to know in order to become a more responsible, developed, self-actualized person.
Why does it matter that dreams partially transport you to a realm beyond consciousness? Because you are meant to use your dreams as a springboard for growth. What is growth? It is transcending what you’ve done before and what you think you can do. When you are given a fresh set of eyes to look at reality with, it’s imperative that you translate that new perspective into action. A dream shows you that you can get beyond your prejudices and biases, and your conventional expectations of yourself. A dream opens up your imagination — teaching you to never let go of your greatest aspirations. Therefore, when you wake up from a dream, think about your inner voice and what it can teach you about yourself. Then take that insight and apply it to living with meaning and purpose.
Exercise: Before you go to sleep tonight, think about what you’d like to dream about. Ask yourself a question that could lead you to moving forward in your life. When you wake up, consider the answer that you received. Record your answer in MyMLC.
Go deeper into this subject: Radio Transcript: Dreams | What Do You Dream About? | How to Learn from Your Dreams | Meaningful Monday: Dreams| Dreamworld: Joseph’s Dreams | MyLife: Chassidus Applied Episode 62 | MyLife: Chassidus Applied Episode 140
Live with Rabbi Simon Jacobson
The Kabbalah of Dreams
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 @8:30pm
Live Stream | Podcast
I dreamt that my friends father died it scared me what does it mean plz tell me