Education is not just learning the skills to make a living; it is learning to understand life itself.
Perhaps the greatest influence over one’s life is one’s education. Unlike genes, circumstance, or looks, education is pretty much something under our control. So how come no one can agree on what the ideal education looks like? Should there be G-d in the classroom? Should there be classrooms? Are schools providing us with the most important tools for us to experience life? Bottom line: Is a school meant to teach our children (and us) how to make a few bucks or how to make a difference?
A Simple Guide to Thinking for Yourself
Thinking for yourself (“thinking different”) is a skill that must be developed and nurtured. The following three steps are the foundations of learning that skill and enriching it.
Read MoreThe Key to a Healthy Parent Child Relationship
You must love, educate and guide your children based on who THEY are, not who YOU are.
Read MoreHow to Remember What You Read
Have you ever read through a passage in a book only to forget what you’ve read? Are you frustrated with your ability to retain information? Watch this.
Read MoreHow to Criticize Without Shaming; How to Discipline Without Yelling
Learn how to integrate discipline with love — growing the flowers while uprooting the weeds — in one seamless process of nurturing a beautiful and exquisite garden.
Read MoreBack to School. Back to Normal?
Join Rabbi Jacobson as he addresses, in his disarming and inimitable way, our current disruptions. Instead of reacting to the symptoms with short term solutions, learn how to turn this challenge into an opportunity.
Read MoreThanksgiving: The Responsibility to Give
Are we human beings takers or givers? Is life about you, or about you serving a greater cause? The secret to true happiness is this: The more you give the happier you will be. The more you take the unhappier you will be.
Read MoreIs Teenage Rebellion a Bad Thing?
Rebellion can be the healthiest thing for a human being — a pure energy that inspires a person to not give up,, to refuse to tolerate injustice, to not go along with an idea just because everyone else is.
Read MoreEducation: How to Think; Not What to Think
Education is not just learning the skills to make a living; it is learning to understand life itself. Perhaps the greatest influence over one’s life is one’s education.
Read MoreHappiness: How To Be Happy and Master Your Emotions
Listen to Rabbi Simon Jacobson’s talk to the High School students in a new effort to acknowledge mental health issues affecting our community and download the exercises.
Read MoreEducation: Shaping Life
This article is an excerpt from “Toward a Meaningful Life”. It emphasizes the importance of moral education for children, and places responsibility on parents and educators for providing that education.
Read MoreGive Me Your Soul
It is time to create a revolution – to refocus our priorities and invest our energies into the most premium of all our gifts: Our children. And remember: It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
Read MoreSpecial Children
An email exchange between Rabbi Jacobson and the mother of a bi-polar son illuminates the concept of special children and their unique strengths.
Read MoreThe Education Crisis
Undoubtedly education of the young is the key to preserving spiritual identity. Today, nothing less than a revolution is necessary in our education systems.
Read MoreChildlessness
A reflection of the pain of childnessness and the power to overcome through alternative ways to give birth to new souls.
Read MoreAre You Responsible for Other People’s Reactions?
Are you responsible to repress your opinion if it may offend others? In a culture where trigger warnings, safe spaces, and social-media outrage have become part of the common parlance, it can be hard to discern what your responsibility for another person’s reaction is. Is there an absolute guideline?
Read MoreThe Pure Ones
The innate purity within children and their effortless connection to the Divine is examined, despite popular scientific theories and thought to the contrary.
Read MoreIn The Beginning
While many people focus on the debate between evolution and creation, they often overlook a more important question about responsibility to a Creator.
Read MoreNine Ways To Raise A Moral Baby
My biggest priority as a new mom is to raise my baby with personal dignity and respect for others. It translates to teaching my baby morals from day one.
Read MoreChanukah celebrates what?
The word “Chanukah” comes from the word chinuch, which means “initiation.” Chanukah celebrates the renewal of the service in the Holy Temple after it was liberated from the Greek defiler, purified, and rededicated as the seat of G-d’s manifest presence in our world.
Read MoreLeadership: Customized, Consistent, Friendly and Firm
The Rebbe advises consistent efforts with a balance of friendliness and firmness in education.
Read MoreThe Believer
The Lubavitcher Rebbe is a wise man, a learned man, but above all, he is a believer. And to meet a believer is an altogether different experience.
Read MoreThe Lamplighter’s Credo
While many of the Torah’s laws are time- & place-specific, their significance is always eternal & universal, such as kindling the menorah in the Holy Temple
Read MoreLighting Instructions
The menorah represents man’s potential to “kindle lamps”: to illuminate within his own self, in his fellow man & in the material resources at his disposal.
Read MoreThe Long Pole
Aaron is the prototype for man’s responsibility for the spiritual elevation of his fellows, which reflects his role as kindler of the menorah in the Temple
Read MoreEducated Quests
The goal of education is for a person and his teachers to develop his personal moral vision–his perceptions of right, wrong, truth and falsehood–toward increasing degrees of synonymity with the ultimately objective moral vision: life as envisioned by its Creator.
Read MoreG-d in the Classroom
With rising crime rates, juvenile drug use, and conflicts between people, the value of religious education cannot be underestimated. This letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe expounds on the value of religious education in these trying times.
Read MoreWhat’s Wrong With Our Educational System?
What’s wrong with our educational system? This article is a transcript of a candid and critical look at the American educational system in light of the tragic school shooting in Littleton, CO.
Read MoreThe Rebbe on the Six-Day War
Three times in our generation G-d granted us an opportunity for the beginning of the Redemption but they were missed & it is the Jewish leadership to blame.
Read MoreWhat is the Calling of Our Time?
As we approach Rosh Hashana: Here is a good question to ask yourself:
If you were able to have a glimpse of G-d’s thoughts,how would they look?
Reading Right
Learning Jewish law is a process. Read carefully and correctly so as not to be hasty in judging others.
Read MoreLife in the River
Thirty-four hundred years after Egyptian slavery, Jewish children are still being forced into the Nile, a material lifestyle.
Read MoreSpiked Chassidism
The fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch teaches us the importance of learning, self-development and growth in spiritual matters.
Read MoreThe Third Millennium
In Abraham’s 75th year, a new era opened – the era of Torah. The era of tifferet, of the harmony and synthesis of the Divinely bestowed and humanly earned.
Read MoreField of Expertise: The Value of Jewish Education
A West Coast lumber merchant once came to the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, to seek his counsel and blessing. He got a lesson on Jewish education.
Read MoreVayigash: Responding to Sandy Hook
Our children are the best of us, and it is their world that is far more real than our distorted one.
Read MoreNetzavim Rosh Hashana: Give Me Your Soul
Envision what your child will look like having grown into an adult saturated with not just with love and nurturing, but with a profound sense of purpose.
Read MoreEmor: How to Speak
Passionate faith can spill over into dogma and intolerance. We must be vigilant that the path of faith should be saturated with love and inspiration.
Read MoreTazria: Bad Religious Experiences Part 2
With the breakdown of authority, it is absolutely critical to ensure that each of us “own” our choices; that the path of faith become your path, not someone else’s.
Read MoreThink Different Part I: On the Nature of Intelligence
Part one of a discussion about cognitive processes, intelligence versus wisdom, and the origin of ideas from a kabbalistic perspective.
Read MoreVayakhel-Pekudei: Faith at Harvard
The debate among academics about Harvard’s core curriculum sheds light on longstanding tensions between scientists and people of faith.
Read MoreEmor: How Do I Find a True Rabbi? Part 1
Rabbi Simon Jacobson answers a critical question: how does one find an authentic, truthful educator when it comes to Torah learning?
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