The natural world reflects a Divine reality. From weather events to breathtaking sunsets, there is much more to nature than meets the eye.
Nature is the perennial inspiration for artists and intellectuals. Is it because of the sheer beauty of the mountains? Is nature so compelling because of the soothing sound of the sea? Is nature the muse for so many because of the smell of pine trees after a summer rain? Or is there something deeper that makes nature such a joy to humanity? Nature is a manifestation of Divine energy and Divine purpose. Explore the deep, mystical aspects of nature to appreciate it in a new way.
Wild Animals Teach Humans About Mutual Respect
Can natural predators teach humans anything about respect? Discover a key to being more respectful and tolerant — with a lesson from an unexpected source.
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A Lesson from Trees: Determination
Trees have the innate ability to work around challenges. Likewise, challenge brings out the deepest strengths in a person.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Benefits of Nature
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson weekly podcast at 8:30pm every Wednesday as he examines life and offers a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche. Discover how to live a truly happy and meaningful life by using your divine gifts and wisdom to reach your highest potential.
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Read MoreDeep Freeze: Spiritual Lessons of Cold Weather
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson weekly podcast at 8:15pm every Wednesday as he examines life and offers a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche. Discover how to live a truly happy and meaningful life by using your divine gifts and wisdom to reach your highest potential.
*Enjoy MP3 recordings of this podcast when you become a free member at
Read MoreSolar Eclipse: The Mystical Meaning with Simon Jacobson
Discover the deeper meaning of the solar eclipse, based on 4000 years of wisdom from the Jewish Mystics.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Difference Between Humans and Cows
Learn more about the human soul through this loving, humorous look at how cows and humans are spiritually different.
Read MoreNight Vision: How the Moon Can Teach Us to See the World in New Ways
Discover the powerful mystique of the night moon and how it reveals the inner secrets of your soul and your potential.
Read MoreDoes Life Ever End?
Long before modern science, the Torah offers us an astonishing and sophisticated perspective on the eternal nature of life.
Read MoreDoes Life Ever End? – The Science of Immortality
Discover how to look at life and death in a new way, helping you tap into new reservoirs of energy, as well as transform death itself into a force of life.
Read MoreMoon Walk: Lunar Insights into the Psyche
The new moon teaches us the way to find redemption in our lives and relationships. Learn to recognize the moonlight in your soul and in the soul of others.
Read MoreThe New Moon
When G/d points out to Moses the new moon in Parshat Bo, He really shows him the threshold between evil and good and the birth from darkness to light.
Read MoreDancing Particles
Your soul has a mission whose contract has been renewed. This is your personal mission statement – the reason you are here on earth.
Read MoreThe Mystical Meaning of Snow
Snow has a way of turning the world into a wonderland – and that’s no coincidence. Snow carries mystical meaning. Journey with us into the mystical meaning of snow!
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The Two Floods
In our lives we have both options: A deluge of waters that will overwhelm and destroy us; or a deluge of Divine knowledge that submerges us in its watery embrace.
Read MoreEnvironmental New Year
Everything was created for a purpose and we are responsible to care for and protect every part of existence, whether it is human, animal, vegetable or mineral.
Read MoreInterview With Hurricane Harvey
An exclusive interview with an earlier hurricane called Hurricane Harvey, offering us fascinating insights about the soul of a hurricane and its lessons for our lives.
Read MoreThe Mystery of the New Moon
Just as the moon is reborn right after its disappears, so too will the Jewish people experience a renaissance following their darkest moments.
Read MoreWhat Is A Baal Teshuvah?
The baal teshuvah, who frees the sparks of divinity imprisoned in the realm of the forbidden, is examined in contrast with the tzaddik, who has more limited powers.
Read MoreA Door Into the Unconscious
The spiritual meaning of a tsunami. Understand the spiritual contrast between land and sea. An educated look at natural disasters.
Read MoreThe Angel and the Drunk
On Yom Kippur we fast and pray, on Purim we party. Yet the Zohar sees the two days as intrinsically similar.
Read MoreThe Rain of Peace
The dimensions of the rainy and sunny seasons of the Jewish calendar are explored in correlation to the birth of Chabad Chassidism, which is linked to Kislev, the third month of the “Season of Rains.”
Read MoreBeyond the Moon
The Jewish holiday of Purim teaches us how the Jewish people compare to the moon; we have the capacity for change and renewal like the moon wanes and waxes.
Read MoreAgricultural Man: Shavuot and Wheat
Each holiday marks the soul’s growth from a tiny seed to a sprouting shoot to a bountiful harvest.
Read MoreThe Amphibian Soul
Just as a fish lives submerged within the environment that sustains it, we must also immerse ourselves in the truth of our existence.
Read MoreReeh: Boundaries
This week’s Torah portion deals with blessings and curses. In the face of world tragedies, how does the Torah explain the reconciliation of both?
Read MoreOf Snakes and Sticks
Insights on the power of Aaron’s staff, divine sparks, and Egyptian rain.
Read MoreThe Infant Shepherd
Even as a baby, Moses was instrumental in bringing the Children on Israel out of a mindset of materialism and into one of spirituality.
Read MoreNitzavim-Vayeilech: We Don’t Control the Weather
End of the year thoughts about leaving behind our comfort zones and approaching the new year with a renewed approach.
Read MoreBeyond the Moon
The significance of the lunar and solar calendars is explained as related to Haman’s fateful choice of the month of Adar for the Jews’ destruction.
Read MoreElectric Light
The elementary principle of Chassidism: to draw down and connect the ultimate heights with the lowest depths.
Read MoreThe Rain of Peace
Rain is an expression of human initiative and endeavor; the reflection enables us to answer Divine light in our lives with the product of our own potential.
Read MoreThe Eastern Colonists
Chassidic explanation of the difference between the Spies and later the Tribes of Reuben and Gad who requested land east of the Jordan re divine sparks.
Read MoreThe Era of the Rainbow
An examination of the Torah’s account of the first twenty generations of history reveals two primary differences between the world before the Flood and the post-Flood era.
Read MoreA Box of Life: The Meaning of the Teivah
Meaning of Teivah: Get insight into Noah’s Ark in this essay based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Read MoreFaith, Reason, and Predetermined Choice.
A deep exploration of the balance between the deterministic character of the universe, and the freedom of choice that we all hold so dear.
Read MoreThe Colors of Blood Cells
The deeper significance of the colors of the various blood cells.
Read MoreThe Physics of Chanukah: Nature of Light – Part 1
Light is our best metaphor for understanding the process of creation. The essential miracle of Chanukah is the dominance of light over dark. An in-depth look at the spiritual nature of light.
Read MoreSpiritual Meaning of Snow
Nothing is as it appears. What lies beneath the enchanting snowflakes floating gently from heaven to earth? From whence do these white angels originate? Is this heaven speaking to us?
Meteorologist may perceive snow to be a result of pressure systems and precipitation levels; physicist will recognize the subatomic particles that create snow; but the mystic sees the cosmic energy that snow manifests and the facets of our psyche that it illuminates.
Let us explore the spirit within the snow…
Read MoreA Changed Landscape: The Indian Ocean Tsunami
At least three things have changed forever since the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami ravaged South Asia. Find out what.
Read MoreAtomic Soul: The Power of the Soul
How much power is contained in the human soul? What is the power of the soul? Learn about the infinite power of the soul.
Read MoreA Lesson from Diamonds: Every Person is a Diamond
To the Lubavitcher Rebbe, every person is a diamond. To fulfill its purpose, the diamond needs to be excavated. Every person is precious to the world.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Meaning of the Moon
A discussion on the spiritual meaning of the moon, and how the spiritual meaning of the moon is a metaphor for the human relationship to God.
Read MoreGeometry of Time
Time and space are closely related to each other; indeed, modern physics is wont to combine the two as “spacetime,” a four-dimensional grid against which all physical objects and events are measured.
Read MoreInterview With Hurricane Frances
An exclusive interview with an earlier hurricane called Hurricane Frances, offering us fascinating insights about the soul of a hurricane and its lessons for our lives.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Meaning of Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina, perhaps the greatest natural disaster in modern American history, should definitely make us think. I for one cannot say that events in the Gulf Coast are not related to events in the Gaza coast or for that matter anywhere else in the world. But we surely cannot say that it is connected.
Read MoreLife on Other Planets
Are there any references in ancient wisdoms and sacred texts to life on other planets? Does it matter to your purpose on Earth?
Read MoreRevolution of the Planets
Does the sun revolve around the earth, or does the earth revolve around the sun? What does a genius in Torah and science say about it? Find out!
Read MoreThe Spiritual Meaning of Sheep
Learn about the spiritual meaning of sheep in the Jewish Torah tradition. Article by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Read MoreThe Shredded Leaf
Every leaf on every tree is imbued with a Divine life force. A beautiful story about a young boy learning about the holiness of every thing in the universe.
Read MoreWhy Torah is Compared to Fire
Torah has been compared to fire. Learn why Torah is compared to fire, and harness this powerful metaphor to enhance your own learning and life.
Read MoreSpiritual Meaning of the Tsunami
The spiritual meaning of a tsunami. Understand the spiritual contrast between land and sea. An educated look at natural disasters.
Read MoreWinter: The Season of Rains
The calendar is more than a measure of time: it charts our inner life and our relationship with our Creator. Insight into the Hebrew season of rains.
Read MoreVayeira: Winds Of Change
As Hurricane Sandy rages, what messages do its furious winds bring us? Will we absorb their lessons and create a spiritual storm of our own, bringing fresh winds of spirit and growth in our own lives?
Read MoreMishpatim: Shoveling the Snow
I look closer and stare at the vulnerable and gentle snowflake – and wonder what message it has brought to me this fine morning.
Read MoreVaeira: Haiti
Rabbi Simon Jacobson reflects on the humanitarian response to the Haiti disaster, and how it reflects a shift in global spiritual engagement.
Read MorePesach: Celestial Passover
The Jewish calendar is regulated by the lunar cycles. We count by and are compared to the humble moon. But once every 28 years we are reminded to recognize the source from whence the moon receives its light.
Read MoreTzav: Soular Dissonance
The sun and the moon are not two self-contained luminaries, divorced from earthly affairs. They are both an integral, intertwined part of the human condition.
Read MoreTazria-Metzora: Divine Containers
The world increasingly witnesses a union of form and function and spirit and matter. This concept is examined through the lens of kabbalah and Chassidus.
Read MoreVayikra: The Tzaddik
Based on the insight of the Alter Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab, the concept of a true tzaddik is explored in the context of the nature of this world.
Read MoreVayechi: Warming The Winter
Inspiration alone is not enough, but when it is combined with effort and exertion, one can burst through his constraints and the world will open up for him.
Read MorePassover: Back to Egypt
Reflections on a Puerto Rican Passover, the slavery of excessive freedom, and the search for the Divine inner light.
Read MoreBo: All This Talk About G-d
You are created in G-d’s image with the power to act as a leader towards the Redemption, just as Moses does in Parshat Bo.
Read MoreVaeirah: A Changed Landscape
Are humans inherently greedy and self-absorbed? Or is it our bodies that demand this from our actually selfless souls?
Read MoreVeyakhel: Jerusalem in White
A poem about a great snowfall in the Holy City of Jerusalem and the transformation that happened among its people and sites.
Read MoreKi Tisa: Just a Friendly Reminder
A poem about snowfall demonstrating our vulnerability, but also strength, while heading towards an uncertain future.
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