Constantly the eyes of God are upon it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
The tiniest strip of land creates the world’s largest ripples. It is tiny in size, but humongous in soul. If the land of the world war a body, Israel would be its heart; if the peoples of the earth were on organism, Israel would be its soul. If the nations of the world knew how much they benefited from the Land of Israel, its nucleus, the Holy Temple, and its people, the children of Israel, the nations of the world would protect its holy purity with everything they’ve got. Israel is the bellwether of the world: How Israel goes, so goes the world.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson Addressing IDF Soldiers about to Enter Gaza
Rabbi Simon Jacobson addresses the IDF soldiers about to enter Gaza and hands out a special edition of Toward a Meaningful Life in Hebrew to each of them
Read MoreAnti-Semitism on the Rise: Is History Repeating Itself?
Join Rabbi Jacobson as he takes on this critical issue with passion, and presents a radically different approach: While we need to be vigilant, and take strong measures to protect and defend ourselves, we must also realize that the world has become a better place for Jews and for the entire human race.
Read MoreWill There Ever Be Peace in the Middle East?
Will the fighting in the Middle East ever end? What will it take to achieve peace in the Holy Land? Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this provocative presentation of a radically new approach that combines peace out of strength and a bold vision of the future.
Read MoreOy Rashbi! How Can We Celebrate Lag B’Omer in Face of Tragedy
What are we to make of the horrific loss of 45 people and many more injured at this year’s festive Lag B’omer celebration on Mount Meron? They came to honor Rabbi Shimeon bar Yochai, a 2nd century sage and mystic. They danced through the night in love, joy and unity. And then…
Read MoreWhy Is the World Fighting Over the Temple Mount?
What is it about the Temple Mount that causes the whole world to fight over it? Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a short talk about the Temple Mount, and learn about its mystical and historical significance.
Read More50th Anniversary of the Six-Day War: Its Impact Today
What Happened as the Flames Rose? Tisha B’Av Workshop
Our sages tell us that Moshiach was born as the flames consuming the Holy Temple. Learn how the Western Wall, with all its cracks, carries immortality.
Read MoreCracks in the Wall – What Can We Do About Israel? — Three Weeks Workshop
Discover how the Israel within your soul experiences its own battles, and how your actions allow you to bring peace to yourself and to the land of Israel.
Read MoreMiddle East Turmoil: What Does It All Mean?
Rabbi Simon Jacobson delivered this talk in Manchester, England on Novemeber 21, 2015.
Read MoreThe Mysterious City of Chevron
The mysterious city Chevron holds the secret of integration: finding harmony in a divisive universe, both in our personal lives and the the world at large.
Read MoreA Deep Dark Dread: How a 3758 Year-Old Vision is Shaping the World Today
Rabbi Simon Jacobson lectures on the challenges facing Israel today and their start with G/d’s vision to Abraham close to 4000 years ago.
Read MoreHow to Win a War: Cease Fires or Unconditional Surrender?
Discuss today’s battles in context of yesterday’s. The Torah of peace, given only to bring harmony to the world, teaches us how to find lasting peace.
Read MoreFull Moon Over Gaza
Learn about today’s conflicts in the Middle East. Armed with these insights, perhaps we can finds ways to achieve a true and lasting peace.
Read MoreWhen Will We Stop Crying? The Deepest Love in the Throes of Suffering – Nine Days Workshop
Address the dramatic events taking place in Israel today. These times allow us to discover the deepest love and strength, to stop crying once and for all.
Read MoreDo You Like to Travel? – Israel/Three Weeks Workshop
Learn about the journey of Israel today. Discover new ways to look at your voyages, and how to discern the deeper patterns in the trajectory of your life.
Read MoreBamidbar/Shavuot: After 3336 Years How Far Are We From Sinai?
Israel is under attack, yet again. As we stand in proximity of Shavuot, when we relive the revelation at Sinai, this may be the best time to demand accountability of the Arab/Muslim world for their actions, and to call the rest of the world to demand a response.
Read MoreAn Open Letter to the Muslim World
With atrocities being perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Allah — mass beheadings, rapes and murders of women and children, the killings of thousands of innocent people — why do we not hear any voice of protest from any of you?
Read MoreBeshalach: Israel & the Non-Jews
Israel’s spiritual centrality serves as a gift to all the nations, including the Jews who are charged with the task of bringing these nations closer to G-d.
Read MoreBo: Israel – The Inside Story
A theory on the world’s fixation with Eretz Yisroel and how you can bring peace to the Holy Land and holiness to where you live.
Read MoreWar In Israel: What We Must Do
Let us create a true revolution. Let us reconnect to our Divine mission. Let us move heaven and earth with our actions. We have been promised that when we do, we will save the universe – literally.
Read MoreFighting Evil with Good
Let us fight evil with good. Let us create a true revolution.Let us move heaven and earth with our actions. We have been promised that when we do, we will save the universe – literally.
Read MoreOur Response to Tragedy
The response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger holy land, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreDevorim: A Tzaddik Weeps
Tisha B’Av is the saddest day of the Jewish calenda. On Tisha B’Av 1967, tears flowed out of the eyes of a Tzaddik…
Read MoreIsrael: Is this a Political or Religious War?
What if we’re to find out the Middle East is indeed in the midst of religious war; one that is threatening the entire world? That this really is about G-d?
Read More50 Years: 1967-2017
We are now in 2017. Fifty years have passed since the ’67 summer of awakening. Now, we can look back, blessed with the wisdom of experience that 50 years bring, and analyze what happened in the interim. Was the inspiration of the summer of 1967 actualized?
Read MoreFuture of the World
This week’s Torah portion deals with the theme of war. Here we take a look at two visions on the war against Israel.
Read MoreTisha B’Av: A Letter From Rabbi Jacobson
Simon Jacobson’s letter from New York reflecting upon Tisha B’Av and the endurance of Jerusalem and the Jewish people…
Read MoreTisha B’Av: Pain and Pleasure: The Birth of the Future in the Belly of the Beast
Tisha B’av at the Western Wall: Do we see the light at the end of the tunnel? will we have the courage and strength to solve the problem at its root?
Read MoreThe Root of Arab Rage
Arab rage against Israel may have many ostensible causes. But at its core root, it stems from the Holy of Holies – from the need and will to control that vital region.
Read MoreNoah: A Tale of Two Floods
G-d promised the human race that another flood would never come again. So we need not fear that the flood of violence and fear swamping our innocent brothers and sisters in Israel will turn into an apocalypse or Armageddon.
Read MoreBereishit: War In Israel: What We Must Do
Let us create a true revolution. Let us reconnect to our Divine mission. Let us move heaven and earth with our actions. We have been promised that when we do, we will save the universe – literally.
Read MoreRicochet Dance
History is a dance. G-d & the “maiden of Israel” have been dancing these steps some 4000 years now, advancing & retreating, drawing apart & pulling together
Read MoreThe Paradox of Pain
From Parshat Maasei & the period of the 3 Weeks we learn not to view difficulty as a wholly negative experience, but as the greatest facilitator of growth.
Read MoreWisdom and Wonder
The laws of “vows” grant the authority & ability to define with our words & actions the very nature of our environment to ordinary, mortal man.
Read MoreBitter Knowledge
Insightful words by the Rebbe Maharash: “In truth, we could be rid of the oppressors of Israel. But the Jewish people prefer the bitter medicine”.
Read MorePassover: Faith and Flesh
Did you hear about Israel’s latest plan to polish its image for the American public? Girls. Yes, you heard that right….
Read MoreVayigash: 2006
As we conclude the calendar year – my 50th on earth – it’s an appropriate time to examine the past year’s events, and attempt to place them in perspective.
Read MoreMikeitz: Fanning the Flames
The Unplugged version of Samech Vov asks the relevant question: How does one’s fire remain when the inspiration begins to dim?
Read MoreVayelech: A Year In Perspective
As we enter the new year, this essay reflects on the past year, the lessons learned, challenges encountered and meaning made…
Read MoreThe Rebbe on the Six-Day War
Three times in our generation G-d granted us an opportunity for the beginning of the Redemption but they were missed & it is the Jewish leadership to blame.
Read MoreShoftim: Abandonment & Reconciliation
Following the destruction of the Temple and the ‘Three Weeks of Affliction,’ come the ‘Seven Weeks of Comfort,’ in which the people are consoled and comforted for their great losses.
Read MoreChukat-Balak: What Can I Do About the Ongoing Killings in Israel?
This essay responds to the pervasive question: “What can I do about the deteriorating situation in Israel?” and offers an opportunity to sing together…
Read MoreShemini: When War is Peace
As Israel reels from the Passover massacres and has since declared war against terrorism, there is much we can learn from Passover: The first Jewish victory…
Read MorePassover: Our Calling
Rabbi Jacobson responds to a challenging letter which poses the question: How do we respond to the ‘clash of civilizations’ in the Middle East today?
Read MoreIsrael and Gaza: A Candid Conversation
The battle in Gaza is being fought not only on the ground, but also in our psyches. It’s hard to even distinguish whether our opinions are based on facts or propaganda.
Read MoreReeh: Israel Oh Israel
In the face of war, what lessons can be learned from the speech of Iran’s Ahmadinejad delivered last September before the General Assembly of the UN?
Read MoreEikev: Game Plan
A perspective on Israel’s current circumstances and response to its warring identity. This article provides important guidelines for overcoming the reality.
Read MoreVaetchanan: Crying For Israel
We cried about Israel upon the spies return, today we continue to cry about the land: Is there a connection between these three millennia of tears?
Read MoreDevorim: Pot Boiling
During this difficult time of mourning we look to Samech Vav, the mystical text, for answers to what can be learned from the historical and current events.
Read MoreShoftim: Katrina And Gaza
Rabbi Jacobson’s answer to a question about the link between the Israeli evacuation from Gaza with the catastrophic devastation of by Hurricane Katrina.
Read MoreVeatchanan: A New Religion
This week’s Torah chapter opens up with Moses’ begging G-d to allow him into the Promised Land. This article explores the personality of the first zionist..
Read MoreDevorim: The Death of Modern Zionism ?
As we approach the 1937th year since the Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem, Israel is still struggling with its own the identity and raison de’ etre..
Read MoreKi-Tavo: Continuing Journeys of a W(e)ary Traveler – Diary
A humorous personal story set in Schwenksville on Shabbat Parshat Ki Teitzei, the fifth of the ‘Seven weeks of comfort’.
Read MoreRe’eh: From Jerusalem to New York – Diary
Written from New York, this reflective personal story captures Jerusalem in all its complexity: A city laden with history and ‘quintessential realities’.
Read MoreThree Days, Three Words
The chassidim of Kfar Chabad now had a firm grasp on their future: they knew what they had to do. They must build!
Read MoreOwnership of Israel
The Torah is establishing that it is more than a “rulebook,” more than a list of things to do or not to do. It is G-d’s blueprint for creation, our guide for realizing the purpose for which everything in heaven and earth was made including ownership of Israel.
Read MoreThe Rebbe on the Six-Day War
The following is a transcript of the Rebbe’s remarks given in a private meeting on Av 5, 5727 (August 12, 1967), shortly after the Six-Day War, as recalled by Rabbi Chaim Gutnick of Melbourne, Australia, and published (in Hebrew) in Kfar Chabad Magazine, issue no. 806.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Overcoming Fear
Overcoming fear: To face the battles of life you must first fortify your inner life. You must build a strong inner core – a home and family that provides you with the security and confidence to handle any force or enemy from without.
Read MoreToldot: Our Response to Tragedy
The Jewish response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger Jerusalem, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: Can East Meet West?
Abraham surely knew how religious zealotry can breed intolerance, condescension, judgmentalism and prejudices of all sorts — feeding into the ugliest elements of human nature.
Read MoreLech Lecha: Will the True Agitator Rise?
Recognize that sometimes the ones accusing others of being media agitators may be the greatest agitators of them all.
Read MoreKi Teitzei: Childhood Innocence and Blood
Beheading of Steven Sotloff: At times like this don’t you just want to curl back up into your fetal-like childhood innocence? An essay on staying innocent in a psychotic world.
Read MoreReeh: ISIS Beheadings and Clarity
The horrifying ISIS beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley, while Israel is entangled in its war against Hamas terror: Where should the Western world go now?
Read MoreEikev: A Miracle In Our Times?
Hamas and ISIS (as well as Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and other Islamic terrorist groups) have very similar objectives (obviously with their own variations).
Read MoreDevarim: When Will We Stop Crying?
Nothing can vanquish Israel’s existence. All these challenges have exposed an indestructible resilience.
Read MoreWhy Does Israel Dominate Headlines?
Why does Israel so dominate the headlines? A country barely the square miles of New Jersey, with a population less than most countries in the world, captures people’s attention far more than any other.
Read MoreMatot: What Can I Do About the Situation in Israel?
Let us create a true revolution. Let us reconnect to our Divine mission. Let us move heaven and earth with our actions. We have been promised that when we do, we will save the universe – literally.
Read MoreHow Far Are We From Sinai?
Sinai set in motion a series of events that would change the world forever, and continues to impact our lives today. At Sinai the human race received a Divine blueprint how to live our lives. This great gift was given for all of mankind.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Meaning of Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina, perhaps the greatest natural disaster in modern American history, should definitely make us think. I for one cannot say that events in the Gulf Coast are not related to events in the Gaza coast or for that matter anywhere else in the world. But we surely cannot say that it is connected.
Read MoreKorach: Gilad, Naftali and Eyal
Every man, woman, and child, is responsible when they hear about such news, to do something about it — as Maimonides explains.
Read MoreVayeitzei: The Root of Arab Rage
Sometimes the most obvious truths are not stated and acknowledged because we fear the unknown. But then when we do acknowledge them we begin to realize that we have the power to face the challenge.
Read MoreWe Shudder
The universe is at war and has always been at war. The ultimate victor will be not the one with the most powerful weapons. It will be the one with the most powerful spiritual vision.
Read MoreToldos: Back to Reality
The universe is at war and has always been at war. The ultimate victor will be not the one with the most powerful weapons. It will be the one with the most powerful spiritual vision.
Read MoreMatos Massei: Attack in Bulgaria
The angrier you get about events surrounding Israel, the more you should channel that intensity into positive action to create a spiritual revolution in your life, in your home, in your community and in your corner of the world. This is the true conquest of Israel.
Read MoreRosh Hashana: New Year 5772
If we only allow ourselves to pull ourselves a bit back and out from our enmeshed lives, we can transcend many of our doubts, and see new opportunities, as an old world gives way to a new one.
Read MorePurim: An Open Letter to a Concealed G-d
We have lived in the dark long enough. It’s high time to take off Your mask and cloak, and show us Your face.
Read MoreTetzaveh: The World Is Round
Egypt’s search today – and all revolutions against oppressive regimes – is for freedom, not merely democracy. A government that will honor and respect all people’s rights, even that of minorities.
Read MoreKi Tissa: A Bold New Peace Initiative
As war-seasoned veterans with unparalleled credibility, the Jewish people living in the Biblical Holy Land of Israel, are perfectly positioned to now lead the way in proposing a bold new peace initiative – and the timing couldn’t be better.
Read MoreTerumah: The World Is Not Flat
What is Israel – that sliver of land surrounded by hundreds of millions of hostile neighbors – to do amidst all the storms thundering around it?
Read MoreShelach: Spain 2010
Sitting in Spain – a country that once expelled all its Jews – listening to the powerful influence that Jews have today on world leaders is quite overwhelming. We sure have come a long way.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Jewish Roots
Perhaps the venerable New York Times can learn a thing or two about “all the news that’s fit to print” from living with the times in this week’s Torah portion.
Read MoreBamidbar: The Blessing of Diversity
Like different musical notes in a large composition, each community, group or even individual, contributes his or her unique note.
Read MoreBehar-Bechukotei: Jerusalem 2009
Take the “scoundrel” by its throat and strangle it. Not with your hands or with violence, but with light. Strangle darkness with light. Asphyxiate pain with joy.
Read MoreBo: Gaza: Part IV
As this Middle East conversation continues, with all its complexities and prejudices, we have been receiving very many reactions from readers. Most are supportive of this type of dialogue, but there are some who are upset and even livid.
Read MoreShemos: Gaza: Part II
Part two of a five part conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Read MoreVayigash: 2009
No matter what happens this year, whatever up and downs will be coming our way, your destiny will be shaped by your attitudes; you will experience exactly what you allow yourself to experience.
Read MoreVayeishev: Madoff And Holtzberg
If money is the source of your power and security, than money will also be your source of destruction and disgrace. Because after all, money is transient, and anything transient can never provide the firm foundation of security.
Read MoreBamidbar: Oil Prices
Ishmael has the power to confront Esau and Jacob with their wealth of oil. The presenting question is: Will the nations behave as is befitting the children of Abraham?
Read MoreBehar: Israel’s Secret Weapon
Since Israel’s birthday is in the news, it’s hard to ignore the relevance of this week’s Torah portion, which defines in succinct and pointed terms the purpose of the Land of Israel.
Read MoreMatos-Masei: 1967: The Summer of Awakening Part II
This week’s essay – a sequel to last week – discusses the power of inspiration and the profound consequences of not acting on a call from above….
Read MoreBalak: The Ultimate Stand
A personal story of 2 events on the same day in 1927 and 1967 that shaped the spiritual commitment to Jewish life and history revealing G-d’s Divine plan.
Read MoreShelach: Six-Day War
Paralleling the miraculous Six-Day War victory with the story of the Twelve Spies in Parshat Shelach – how Jewish leaders should learn from past mistakes.
Read MoreMatos-Massei: Why is Jerusalem Still Burning
Torah chapters read in the Three Weeks of destruction address issues of Jerusalem under siege: the link between Hezbollah and the Babylonians & Romans.
Read MorePinchas: Back to Reality
The universe is and has always been at war & Israel its epicentre. The latest terror attack coinciding with the 3 Weeks stresses the true nature of the war.
Read MoreMassei: My Enemies Make Me Wise
From our enemies we learn our weaknesses and what needs protection. From Al Qaeda’s new print-Internet magazine we learn about our own passion for Israel.
Read MoreMatos: Religious Violence Part II
The context behind waging war in Biblical historical events and the Torah’s perspective thereon, as seen in Parshat Matot in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar).
Read MorePinchas: Religious Violence Part I
Pinchas, in Parsaht Pinchas, is a peaceful, selflessness zealot & exemplary in the face of current politico-religious tensions, radicalism and liberalism.
Read MoreBehar Bechukotai: Global Dimming
Present day conflict has a direct source in biblical schisms of our forefathers, and in the ongoing war between the spiritual and the material.
Read MoreMishpatim: The Inferno
Today, people spend too much energy fighting fires of apathy and cruelty that can be better used for growing and increasing happiness.
Read MoreVaeirah: Jerusalem Diary II
A detailed account of a trip to Israel (part II) including a visit to the Old City and the Dead Sea and the meaning derived from them.
Read MoreShmot: Jerusalem Diary I
A detailed account of a trip to Israel (part I) with all of the emotions the Holy Land inspires.
Read MoreNasso: Jerusalem Under Siege
What if we’re to find out the Middle East is indeed in the midst of religious war; one that is threatening the entire world? That this really is about G-d?
Read MoreShemini: By the Rivers of Babylon
The current state of the world, as examined through the lens of Babylon, can trace its roots to a fundamental religious and ideological conflict of ancient days.
Read MoreVeyakhel: Jerusalem in White
A poem about a great snowfall in the Holy City of Jerusalem and the transformation that happened among its people and sites.
Read More