It is having confidence in your purpose more that a crutch upon which to lean.
Faith is not a religious thing. You either have trust and confidence in the essence of existence or you do not. Contrary to popular belief, a side effect of faith in your Creator is faith in your own self. It makes sense: if you have faith in your Creator you have faith in your Creator’s creation, you, and every other creation in existence as well. This is why faith is so important: believing in a Higher Power means you believe in your power here on earth embedded within you by the Higher Power, to transform matter into spirit and earth into heaven. Faith is humility, and it allows you to be the best you could ever be.
Purim: Connect the Dots
Parallels are drawn between the Purim of 2360 years ago and the Purims of the modern Persian Gulf Wars, and the ultimate significance of the Persian region is examined.
Read MoreTzav: Believers
Using personal anecdotes as well as Chassidic stories, Rabbi Jacobson examines the different types of believers in light of his previous article on atheists.
Read MoreShemini: Religious Selfishness
Using personal anecdotes, Rabbi Jacobson explores of the side effects of practicing religion by rote, and the beauty of a true “religious” experience.
Read MoreAcharei Kedoshim: Transitions and Premonitions
A personal story about a man standing on the edge of the spiritual world is shared, followed by an examination of both spiritual and physical dimensions.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: America Speaks
A commentary on the 2004 election of President George W Bush from a spiritual Jewish perspective.
Read MoreVayigash: Faith and Reason
An examination of the apparent dichotomy between faith and reason in the modern world, and a realistic perspective of these two forces from a Biblical perspective.
Read MoreBo: All This Talk About G-d
You are created in G-d’s image with the power to act as a leader towards the Redemption, just as Moses does in Parshat Bo.
Read MoreIndividuality in Judaism
Freedom of expression and individuality are often quashed under religious pretenses in favor of a single-minded disciplinarian conformity.
Read MoreThe Kabbala of Curses
The 49 curses listed in the Torah portion of Bechukosei evokes an interesting question: what possible benefit can be found in these curses?
Read MoreNoach: The Power of a Mitzvah
Doing a Mitzvah can be the difference between a life of enslavement in a finite bottle, or freeing your finite being by becoming a piece of finite infinity.
Read MoreVayigash: WYSINWYG
The story of Joseph, who went from slave to Pharaoh’s top adviser and governor, expresses a powerful truth about destiny and human value.
Read MoreDoubt: The Silent Killer
To “obliterate Amalek from under the Heavens,” one must rid oneself of doubt, the true enemy that attacked the nation after they left Egypt.
Read MoreSimchat Torah: Bizarre Journeys
Wherever you go, as difficult as the journey may be it is all for a higher purpose: to redeem the Divine sparks that can only be found in that dark place.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Responding To Mumbai
Rabbi Simon Jacobson discusses the tragic 2008 killing of the Holtzbergs, Chabad shluchim, in Mumbai, India.
Read MoreVayishlach: Giving In Difficult Times
The words of the Zohar speak for themselves. They tell us in no uncertain terms that we must stand against any voice and challenge (including economic conditions) that argues against supporting (or weakening our support of) good causes.
Read MorePassover: Steve Jobs and Passover
The iPad mania reflects the design and marketing genius of Steve Jobs and his gifted team. But it also reveals the gaping vacuum in our lack of spiritual visionaries.
Read MoreLech Lecha: Light at the End of the Tunnel
Spiritual lessons from the miraculous rescue of the 33 Chilean miners in the previously unknown city of Copiapó.
Read MoreMedicine, Psychology and Spirituality
How much of a role do religious practices, faith and trust in G-d play in the healing process?
Read MoreKorach: Gilad, Naftali and Eyal
Every man, woman, and child, is responsible when they hear about such news, to do something about it — as Maimonides explains.
Read MoreDo We Need Faith?
Do we need faith? We must learn to cultivate our natural faith. When you set yourself free, you will realize that your faith is much closer to the surface than you had imagined.This is an excerpt from “Toward a Meaningful Life” by Rabbi Simon Jacobson.
Read MoreOn Faith and Trust
The key to the secret of faith is the connection to the eternal. Everything in life around us is mortal, temporary – impermanent. Everything erodes, ages. Change is the only constant. This is true even when life is going well; how much more so under duress, which shakes the very foundations of our beings. The only way we can transcend change – and especially the ever-shifting center of gravity resulting from the painful scars of oppression – is by connecting to the eternal, something that is not subject to the mortality and variations around us.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: Can East Meet West?
Abraham surely knew how religious zealotry can breed intolerance, condescension, judgmentalism and prejudices of all sorts — feeding into the ugliest elements of human nature.
Read MoreThe Hellenist Coachman
It was not the Torah per se that Hellenic regime wished to uproot from the people of Israel, but Your Torah.
Read MoreToldot: Our Response to Tragedy
The Jewish response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger Jerusalem, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreFaith, Reason, and Predetermined Choice.
A deep exploration of the balance between the deterministic character of the universe, and the freedom of choice that we all hold so dear.
Read MoreA Matter Of Perspective
There was never enough to eat in Reb Zusha’s home, and his family was beset with all sorts of afflictions and illnesses. Yet the man was forever good-humored and cheerful, and constantly expressing his gratitude to the Almighty for all His kindness.
Read MoreThe Binding of Isaac: Event and Edifice
It is significant that Abraham bound his son on the site of the future altar, destined to embody the human commitment in the relationship between man and G-d.
Read MoreThe Frontier of Self
When we speak of the Akeidah, we also speak of those who trod the path this great deed blazed. Of the countless thousands who died for the creed of Abraham.
Read MoreSmorgasbord
The Baal Shem Tov teaches us about the importance of perseverance in our spiritual pursuits and our dynamic relationship with G-d.
Read MoreA Young Man’s Advice
A Chassidic story of unquestioning faith and action as told by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.
Read MoreFireproof Faith
A story about a fire that burns Rabbi Shmuel Munkes’s home to the ground and his unusual reaction.
Read MoreThe Disposable Self
The closer one comes to G-d, the more one realizes one’s own insignificance in the face of the divine infinity.
Read MoreA Feast and a Fast
Insight from the Talmud provides the framework for this examination of the decreed annihilation of the Jews of the Persian Empire.
Read MoreEikev: Religion VS. Spirituality
When it comes to religion and spirituality, are they mutually exclusive or can they sit comfortably side by side?
Read MoreThe Quintessential Eye
Upon hearing details of something, the mind pieces together a perception of the subject. Yet, upon seeing something, the mind takes in its totality.
Read MoreEikev: Orthodoxy Vs. The World Part II
Part II of a two part essay discusses the theme of how to reconcile faith with modernity. Noah Feldman’s experience captures the dissonance between the two
Read MoreRe’eh: The Kabbalah of Duality
Part II of the series asks important questions about how we reconcile faith and modernity and discusses how spirituality is relevant in contemporary times..
Read MoreChukat-Balak: What Can I Do About the Ongoing Killings in Israel?
This essay responds to the pervasive question: “What can I do about the deteriorating situation in Israel?” and offers an opportunity to sing together…
Read MoreToldot: Mixing G-d and Politics
A response to the thousands of emails written about the previous essay which discussed the notions of “conservative” and “liberal” belief in America…
Read MoreVayeitzei: Balance
The Torah chapters from the beginning of Genesis outline the story of our life’s mission and from here we can learn much about ourselves…
Read MoreRespectful Honesty, Even When it Hurts
Balancing sensitivity, respect, and blunt honesty, is not simple, but it is important and can be done.
Read MoreChanukah: Oil
Contrary to most other Jewish holidays, Chanukah focuses on the miracle of the oil as opposed to the battles involved. The spiritual dimensions of oil are discussed in light of this.
Read MoreIn The Beginning
While many people focus on the debate between evolution and creation, they often overlook a more important question about responsibility to a Creator.
Read MoreIs Logic Logical? Our Changing World
A look at logic and superalogic in our world and why we feel connected to each.
Read MoreThe Pure Ones
The innate purity within children and their effortless connection to the Divine is examined, despite popular scientific theories and thought to the contrary.
Read More42 Journeys Part 6
Whenever you feel disconnected or lost you are going through this journey. An aimless life is a desolate one. Nothing is being built; every effort ends up going nowhere.
Read MoreWhere Is G-d?
A correspondence between Rabbi Jacobson in response to a self-proclaimed agnostic.
Read MoreOrthodoxy vs. The World
How do we reconcile faith and modernity? What is one to do? What does the Torah advocate?
Read MoreIs G-d Vulnerable?
True love means being vulnerable. Our relationship with G-d is one of vulnerability and equal dependence on each other.
Read MorePossibilities
In Eikev, this week’s Torah portion, we begin to deal with one of life’s biggest questions: “What am I truly capable of achieving”…
Read MoreBetween a Rock and a Hard Place
When confronted with a challenge, the best approach to overcome it is to keep moving forward.
Read MoreIs Faith Logical?
If you feel distanced from the idea of faith, here is an opportunity to reacquaint yourself with the basics of what faith is and is not.
Read MoreHow to Make Your Actions Matter
If you can expand your world to include what you cannot explain or understand, you’re on the way to making your actions matter. How? Read on.
Read MoreWhere is G-d When I Cry?
There is such darkness in this world, such unbearable pain, such untold suffering. Where is G-d in all of this?
Read MoreOur Response to Tragedy
The response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger holy land, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreLonely Man
Moses left us a legacy of facing our deepest questions and coming back stronger from it. He had faith even when there seemed to be no basis for it.
Read MoreBridging Modernity And Faith
This talk was given by Rabbi Simon Jacobson in Hale, England on November 22, 2015.
Read MoreA Rabbi Admits That Faith Is Challenging
Rabbi Jacobson recalls an interview with a cynical radio interviewer who tried to antagonize him about faith.
Read MoreCan You Prove God’s Existence?
Before we try to prove God’s existence we must first establish: How do we define God? What is considered to be legitimate proof? Discover a fresh new way to look at the oldest and most fundamental topic of all: God.
Read MoreDoes Religion Demand Conformity?
Lessons on community and individuality; how to be a unique member in a synergetic society
Read MoreWhy is G-d Invisible?
Lessons on blind faith and true reality; when seeing is not always believing
Read MoreThe Flame, The Cloud and the Dough: 3 Secrets to Eternal Love
Lessons from our mother Sara; how to be a selfless giver
Read MoreThe Masquerade of Life
Lessons on “dressing up” for a greater cause; do the clothes make the man or the man makes the clothes?
Read MoreThe Soul’s Journey to a Dark World
Lessons on the journey of life; how to transform our world with light and warmth
Read MoreThe Final Showdown
Lessons on confrontation; how to deal with the perpetual battles of life.
Read MoreThe Physics and Kabbalah of Chanukah
Discover how the properties of light, so powerfully reflected in the Chanukah flames, teach us the essence of who we are and who were meant to be: Transparent channels of a higher reality.
Read MoreBiblical Stories Decoded: Exodus: Let My People Go!
How to Grow through Pain and Suffering
Read MoreBiblical Events Decoded: The Land and Sea within You
Biblical Events Decoded: The Land and Sea within You
Read MoreBiblical Events Decoded: Synesthesia: Where Sight Meets Sound
Can you hear your sights and see your sounds? Discover the connection between all our senses and learn how to transcend their nature
Read MoreThe Soul of the Super Bowl
Lessons on sports, competition and the deeper meaning behind the Super Bowl
Read MoreIs ChatGPT a Sign that Something Bigger is Coming?
Is ChatGBT a Sign that Something Bigger is Coming?
Read MoreEsther’s Secret: Why Jews Celebrate Her Every Year on Purim
Esther’s Secret: Why Jews Celebrate Her Every Year on Purim
Read MoreWhat Nobody Ever Told You About Passover
This is where it all began, when a family of tribes became a nation of people, when a body of slaves became a soul of freedom. Some people have an exit strategy; we have an exodus strategy.
Read MoreHow Can I Give Charity Amid Financial Uncertainty?
How Can I Give Charity Amid Financial Uncertainty?
Read MoreThink Different. Be Different. Think for Yourself. Be Yourself.
Think Different. Be Different. Think for yourself. Be Yourself.
Read MoreThis Video Will Make You Want to Call Your Mother
The innate power and strength of a mother; lessons on love, selflessness and complete devotion.
Read MoreYouth Crime and Social Media: How Can We Stop the Trend?
Youth Crime and Social Media: How Can We Stop the Trend?
Read MoreSeize the Day: A Message to All Graduates
Are All Political Leaders Corrupt?
The very question itself, posed by many, speaks of our mistrust and negative feelings towards our leaders today. Does being a leader mean that you need to compromise, negotiate and manipulate your way through power? Can a leader even keep his values and morals intact these days?
Read MoreThe Soul of Charisma
Spiritual charisma is not about seeking validation or trying to impress others. It is about embodying and radiating your authentic spiritual nature, connecting with others on a deeper level, and inspiring them to explore their own spirituality.
Read MoreThe UNITED States: Why Are We So Divided?
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in unraveling the complexities of our divided nation, and embark on a journey towards a more united and harmonious United States. Together, let us discover the path to healing and forge a brighter future for generations to come.
Read MoreHow to Wage a War Against Apathy
Apathy, characterized by indifference, can hinder personal growth and the pursuit of meaningful goals. Discover a comprehensive approach to inspire and ignite a passionate and purposeful life.
Read MoreYou Were Born an Original; Don’t Become a Copy
You Were Born an Original; Don’t Become a Copy
Read MoreWhy We Need Pain
The definition of growth means moving from one state to another. How is this possible? Only through going out of our comfort zone. We need to feel the discomfort in order to grow.
Read MoreDo You Feel Abandoned?
With wars waging between Israel and Gaza and between Russia and Ukraine, are nations more united or more divided than ever before? Have we made any progress between nations?
Read MoreUnited or Divided Nations?
With wars waging between Israel and Gaza and between Russia and Ukraine, are nations more united or more divided than ever before? Have we made any progress between nations?
Read MoreWhy is the World Obsessed with Jews?
History is a witness to the fact that Jews are always at the center of world events. In every single generation the Jews have been ostracized. But why?
Read MoreWhat Is a Mind Without a Soul?
History is a witness to the fact that Jews are always at the center of world events. In every single generation the Jews have been ostracized. But why?
Read MoreArgentina and Israel: A Modern Day Miracle
Explore the inspiring tale of the enduring bond and remarkable collaboration between Argentina and Israel in this enlightening video.
Read MoreRabbi Speaks Out on DEI
Discover the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and its role in fostering a more compassionate and connected society.
Read MoreSome Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget…
Delves into the profound impact of memory in our lives.
Read MoreThe Kabbalistic Secret to Drinking Responsibly
Discover profound wisdom and spiritual insights into your relationship with alcohol.
Read MoreHow to Deal with Unethical Leaders
Learn practical strategies for navigating the challenges of unethical leadership.
Read MoreTotal Eclipse: Is This the End of the World?
Explore the profound insights on the total eclipse and its significance in “Total Eclipse: Is This the End of the World?”
Read MoreExodus 2024: Gaza, Iran and Egypt
Explore the timeless lessons of Exodus amidst modern challenges in Gaza and Egypt, delving into the deep-rooted narratives that shape our world today.
Read MoreThe 15 Steps in 15 Minutes
Discover the profound journey of self-reflection and transformation in just 15 minutes with ‘The 15 Steps’ video, guiding you through the Passover Seder’s spiritual significance.
Read MoreSearching for the Land of Milk and Honey
Explore the profound search for fulfillment and spiritual purpose in “Searching for the Land of Milk and Honey”.
Read MoreMemorial Day: Remember and Honor
Explore the profound significance of Memorial Day, emphasizing the importance of remembering and honoring those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
Read MoreIs World Peace Achievable? Lessons from Sinai
Discover how the lessons from Sinai can guide us toward achieving world peace in this insightful video.
Read MoreHappy Father’s Day!
Explore the profound influence of fathers on their children and society. He offers reflections on the unique responsibilities and joys of fatherhood, providing heartfelt insights and blessings to celebrate and honor fathers.
Read MoreA True Leader Creates Leaders; Not Followers
Discover that true leadership is about empowering others to become leaders themselves, by highlighting the importance of fostering growth, independence, and the ability to inspire others.
Read MoreReacting to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump
What happened?? Making sense of the attempted assassination on Donald Trump
Read MoreWas Trump Saved by G-d?
Explore the concept of divine intervention and its implications in contemporary events, reflecting on how faith and spirituality influence our understanding of political and personal occurrences.
Read MoreWhy are We So Divided? How to Create a UNITED States
Explore the deep-rooted causes of societal division and offers insights on how to foster unity and create a truly united state.
Read MoreIs It Ok to Be Sad?
Explore the role of sadness in our lives, discussing how it can serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and deeper connections with others. He emphasizes that when handled properly, sadness can lead to profound introspection and self-discovery.
Read MoreThe Mistakes We All Make
Discover and learn insightful tips on how to turn life’s common mistakes into opportunities for growth.
Read MoreWhat is Kabbalah?
Explore the profound teachings of Kabbalah in this class, where Rabbi Simon Jacobson demystifies its ancient wisdom and reveals how it applies to your daily life.
Read MoreThe Ceasefire Hoax
Explore how ceasefires often act as temporary solutions that don’t address the deeper, underlying conflicts, urging us to seek lasting peace instead.
Read MoreIs Satan Real?
Explore the concept of Satan as not an independent force of evil, but a divine creation meant to challenge and test us, guiding us toward spiritual growth.
Read MoreBullets, Booms and Blasts: How Will This End?
Explore the deeper spiritual implications of global conflicts, offering guidance on navigating turmoil and working toward personal and collective peace.
Read MoreHow Should We Honor October 7th?
Explore how we can honor the memory of October 7th by transforming pain into purpose and seeking deeper meaning in the aftermath of tragedy.
Read MorePost Election Reflections: The Bigger Picture
Post Election Reflections: The Bigger Picture
Read MoreThe Kabbalah’s Epic Prediction about the Middle East War
Discover the Kabbalistic perspective on the Middle East conflict, exploring ancient wisdom’s insights into current events and their deeper spiritual implications.
Read MoreTragedy in the UAE
Reflections on the tragic death of Rabbi Tzvi Kogen in the UAE, discussing the lessons of resilience, faith, and spiritual growth that can emerge from such profound tragedies.
Read MoreThe Ladder of Life
Explore the profound steps to personal growth and spiritual transformation. Learn how to navigate life’s challenges and elevate yourself to new heights.
Read MoreWhy is There Upheaval in So Many Countries?
Explore the deeper reasons behind global upheaval and discover timeless insights for navigating turbulent times
Read MoreAre You Exhausted?
Dive into the crucial discussion on exhaustion—why we feel drained and how to restore our energy and vitality, guiding us towards a balanced and energized life
Read MoreWhat’s Worse, Ignorance or Apathy? I Don’t Know and I Don’t Care
Explore the profound question of whether ignorance or apathy is more detrimental, and uncover tools to combat both in this insightful episode on living a meaningful life.
Read MoreWhen the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Keep Going
Explore a valuable discussion on building resilience and discovering inner strength when facing life’s toughest challenges.
Read MoreLive Dispatch from Israel
Explore current events with deep insights into today’s pressing issues. Gain a clearer understanding of the complexities shaping our world.
Read MoreCan Ken and Barbie Ever Get Along? The Secret to True Equality
Can Ken and Barbie Ever Get Along? The Secret to True Equality
Read MoreAre You Sure You Don’t Have Faith?
Faith is not what most people think it is. True faith is not the absence of reason. It’s neither simple nor childish. So, what is it?
Read MoreMisplaced Humility: When Pride is a Necessity
Explore the concept of misplaced humility and how acknowledging and embracing one’s strengths and accomplishments can be essential for personal growth and fulfilling one’s potential.
Read More