Love & Marriage
True love and marriage is the process of two halves of one soul reuniting again for all eternity. This is why everyone is looking for it.
I want him to be handsome. I want her to be pretty. I am looking for wit. I am looking for kindness. Should I perform a credit check? My wedding will be on the beach. My marriage is so boring… When it comes to the body of love and marriage, we know exactly what we want. But what about the soul of love and marriage, do I know what I want? What type of spiritual connection am I looking for? How do I put the soul into “soul-mate”? What is the inner meaning of marriage? And what happens once I am married? Is love only at first sight or does it continue? What happens when I have the marital without the bliss?
Shemini: Religious Selfishness
Using personal anecdotes, Rabbi Jacobson explores of the side effects of practicing religion by rote, and the beauty of a true “religious” experience.
Read MoreMatot-Masei: Tzugekumene
Response to a provocative letter: ‘The feeling of “us” and “them” was an undercurrent in the interactions between FFB’s and BT’s or non-observant Jews’.
Read MoreNoach: Raging Waters
Not only are we never given a challenge we cannot overcome, but from Parshat Noach we learn that every challenge brings us to an even greater height.
Read MoreToldot: My Child
Every generation is part of an unbroken cycle of ‘fruit.’ It is through children that we create an eternal legacy, one which we are part of ourselves.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Marriage: Destiny or Chance?
Is marriage predestined or dependent on your efforts? There are many opinions but all agree that though G-d’s predestined it we have the power to change it.
Read MoreShoftim: A True Relationship
The Jewish month of Elul teaches an important lesson in relationships; one must create total unity whilst retaining their individuality.
Read MoreShelach: Circles and Squares
Whether you are more “square-like” or more “circle-like,” both personalities are necessary, and both complement each other.
Read MoreKorach: Can A Circle Marry A Square?
Go beyond yourself and you will find true and everlasting love. If you are a circle learn and appreciate the virtues of the square.
Read MoreThe 15th of Av: Full Moon Musings
The full moon of the month of Av is associated with relationships. The moon teaches us three fundamental lessons about successful relationships. The full moon means being full with another. Your feeling of lack and incompleteness allows you to become the most complete.
Read MoreFinding Your Transcendent Soulmate
There are many other questions that need to be answered when searching for your soul mate. Here are some of the requirements necessary to achieve a transcendent relationship. It is always best to have a close trusting friend or mentor that can help you objectively assess your particular relationship.
Read MoreSexuality or Intimacy?
Everyone has a sexual nature, everyone has a need for sexuality, everyone has a sexual personality, and everyone has been shaped, in one way or another, in their sexual preferences, in how they express and experience it, whether inside or out of marriage today. Everyone listening will have a very strong opinion in the matter. This discussion is coming from a perspective that is very defined, yet extremely flexible and surprisingly free-spirited.
Read MoreHow to Find Your Soulmate
Simon Jacobson, author of the best-selling Toward a Meaningful Life, discusses ancient secrets of finding your soulmate, and staying together forever. How to find your soulmate!
The Battle of the Sexes: Round Two
Learn about the differences between the spiritual energies of men and women. From a Kabbalistic, mystical, psychological perspective, the male psyche and the female psyche both overlap (everyone has both), is that one is more of an inward energy, the majestic element of humanity: majesty, inner dignity, an inner force, and one is more of an outer force, more expressive. One being inward and internal is the feminine and the other being a masculine energy, a more aggressive, expressive energy. Both are necessary for every human being to function in this world.
Read MoreThe Battle of the Sexes: Round One
Can men and women live in harmony? Are men and women different? Are gender roles oppressive? A candid conversation with best-selling author Simon Jacobson.
Read MoreThe Cosmic Marriage: All About Unconditional Love
The Torah tells us that marriage begins with unconditional love and acceptance of the entire person – first “accept Me” and the details will follow. Read about the ways that the idea of unconditional love relates to marriages between men and women, and the cosmic marriage between G-d and the Jewish people.
Read MoreA Wedding In Two Movements: Kiddushin and Nisuin
Kiddushin and nisuin are two distinct phases in the Jewish marriage process. This article explores the spiritual dimensions of kiddushin and nisuin.
Read MoreWhat Do Nuclear Energy & Love Have in Common? A New Look at Intimate Relationships
How powerful is intimacy and sexuality? In human experience it is as powerful as nuclear energy. Like nuclear power, it also has the potential of becoming the most devastating. When two people come together, they have the power to create a new life – or to behave so abusively that one or both people suffer a trauma of a lifetime.
Read MoreA Marriage Made on Earth
Man was created male and female initially—as a “single being with two faces.” In marriage, the divine analogue is made whole again. Essay by Rabbi Simon Jacobson based on a letter from the Rebbe.
Read MoreGender Differences: The Better Half?
The latest findings about the power of women confirm an age-old truth of the Torah that feminine energy is indeed more evolved than its masculine counterpart. Furthermore, the Kabbalah states that we are now on the verge of a new feminine revolution.
Read MoreWhy Get Married?
Two people may love and care for each other, but without a divine force, what is to bond temporal human beings eternally?
Read MoreIs There Such a Thing as Forever?
Learn to be able to bring into our personal lives the ability to find eternity both in our marriages and our relationships and in everything that we do.
Read MoreRing, Round & Roof: Three Mysteries of Marriage
A marriage consists of three circles: the feminine circle, the masculine circle and the divine circle.
Read MorePre-Marital Marriage
The following is a freely translated excerpt from a talk the Rebbe gave to women’s gathering on Iyar 25, 5744 (May 27, 1984) about the woman’s role in marriage.
The Rebbe On Why Moses Broke the Tablets
In breaking the tablets, Moses was acting on his own, contrary to his divine mission to deliver G-d’s Torah to the world. In breaking the tablets, Moses, who could not presume that G-d was to replace the first tablets with a second pair, was eradicating his very being, his very raison d’etre, for the sake of his people.
Read MoreThe Intimate Estrangement
Linking G-d’s bond with the Jews as a marriage with the ten haftarot called “the Three of Rebuke and the Seven of Consolation” in explaining the galut/exile.
Read MoreA Tailor’s Legacy
A story of two Rabbis discussing a marriage proposal, revealing the secrets of tailoring and life.
Read MoreVaetchanan: Orthodoxy Vs. The World
An interesting debate about how, in today’s day, we approach and respond to the reality of intermarriage in orthodoxy…
Read MoreIn an Earthen Vessel
Deeper significance of the laws of the sotah (“wayward wife”) in Parshat Naso. Life is a marriage of body & soul – female & male perspectives on reality.
Read MoreRicochet Dance
History is a dance. G-d & the “maiden of Israel” have been dancing these steps some 4000 years now, advancing & retreating, drawing apart & pulling together
Read MoreThe Value of Beauty
A frank dialogue that offers a refreshing perspective on the deep value of human beauty.
Read MoreLove Is Not Judgment
You can stop telling yourself that you’re only worthy of love if you are perfect and if you please other people.
Read MoreSeven Ways to Overcome Fear of Commitment
Commitment is majestic. Commitment is dignified. Commitment brings Heaven down to Earth.
Read MoreThe Four Types of Compatibility in Relationships
Here are four primary types of compatibility, and all of them are necessary for healthy love. However, the first three are subject to change, while the fourth type of compatibility is the one that truly cements relationships for the long haul — it is the eternal element that keeps couples together when their looks and interests change.
Read MoreAre You Burned Out On Dating?
Figure out who you are. Take dating slowly. Set your intentions. The feeling of being burned out on dating will pass.
Read MoreThree Ideas for Revitalizing Your Relationship
If you are feeling distant from your spouse and like you need to reconnect, the following three suggestions have been proven to work.
Read MoreHow To Vitalize Your Marriage
Building a foundation and feeding your relationship with a steady diet of positive experiences together nurtures and nourishes your connection, continuously intensifying your bond, like glue that attaches two distinct entities.
Read MoreI Am to My Beloved and My Beloved Is to Me
G-d and daily life simply doesn’t get along. Is there a simpler way to define the grand Tzimtzum? Is there a more tangible expression of the Tzimtzum?
Read MoreThe Education Crisis
Undoubtedly education of the young is the key to preserving spiritual identity. Today, nothing less than a revolution is necessary in our education systems.
Read MoreWhat Love Is and Is Not
If you’ve experienced heartbreak after heartbreak and you feel like you are a failure at love, now is the time to discover what love is and what love is not, since it bears little resemblance to the love we see in film and television, or hear about in songs.
Read MoreSix Ways Love Makes Life Better
As we continue to search for the secret formula to finding love and not losing it, here are several love words to help us unlock the heart to the mystery of love. Love makes life better!
Read MoreWhy Do We Fall in Love?
Why do we fall in love? What lies behind the attraction between the sexes? In seeking to make sense of our sexuality we must look to its origins. The human race is in essence one entity, a male-female singularity. When man and woman come together and unite in a marital union, they recreate the divine image in which they were both formed as one.
Read MoreFive Effective Ways to Show People You Love Them
While you might feel love for someone — like your spouse or your child — that internal feeling of love does not always translate into an external expression of love. If you have love in your heart, let it out! Here’s how.
Read MoreA True Relationship
In this month of Elul we have the opportunity to create, mend and renew relationships. May we use the month well, and may we all be blessed with experiencing “I am to my beloved and my beloved to me.”
Read MoreKi Tovo: To You My Heart Speaks
The month of Elul is a month of love and compassion. In this time how does prayer help us to face and respond to pain and suffering?
Read MoreHow to Work Things Out
These tips are relevant to everyday annoyances, misunderstanding, arguments, and resentments in relationships.
Read MoreElitism: Are We All Created Equal?
Parshat Pinchas helps unravel the yichus dilemma – illuminating the balance between elitism & the masses; individuality and responsible leadership.
Read MoreDo You Know How to Love and How to Channel? Omer Workshop Session One
Discover methods to diagnose your life skills, to identify your strengths and weaknesses and incorporate techniques to improve the way you give and take.
Read MoreWhat is Healthy Love?
Peer into the innermost recesses of your heart to discover what true love is and recognize that within your psyche lies all the resources for healthy love.
Read MoreDo You Know Your Inner Flower?
Dig into the innermost depths of your soul to find the love that you deserve. Discover the secret to finding true and lasting love.
Read MoreFinding By Not Seeking
Discover that the important things in life -love, intimacy, truth, soul, G-d – emerge not by doing something, but by not doing something.
Read MoreIndividuality: Discovering Your Unique Voice
Learn how to uncover your unique voice, and how your individuality does not compromise your love for others.
Read MoreHow Deep Can You See?
Journey into the deepest elements of existence and discover why the vital aspects of life like ideas, feelings, love, and the soul can’t be seen or heard.
Read MoreIs There Hatred in Your Heart?
Gain a new perspective of love and hate. Discover how to live a hateless life, A life of love without any toxins in your heart.
Read MoreGetting Played
“I keep getting played by guys. How do I find a guy who will stick around?”
Read MoreIn The Friend Zone
Rabbi Simon Jacobson advises a “nice guy” on how to get out of the friend zone.
Read MoreLove is in the Air: Elul in Jerusalem
Learn how the Hebrew month of Elul teaches us how to start anew and open up a new chapter of love in our lives.
Read MoreAm I Unlovable? Elul Secrets to Finding Love
Whether you are in need of love or are filled with love, learn how Elul opens for us up the wellsprings of love which run endlessly deep.
Read MorePanic Attacks
The wife in an unstable marriage is suffering from panic outbursts and panic attacks.
Read MoreMistaken As Gay
A viewer asked: “I am a man who often gets called gay. I have never had a gay relationship. I actually do like women, and hope to meet the right woman one day. It gets hard to always be perceived as gay. Women don’t even consider me as a potential date. How can I meet the right woman under these circumstances?”
Read MoreLack Of Intimacy In Marriage
A viewer asks Rabbi Jacobson a painful question: “My husband and I are no longer intimate. I don’t think he’s even attracted to me. He seems to like his iPhone more than he likes me. Should I consider divorce?”
Read MoreThe Secret to Lasting Love
Transcendence is the secret to lasting love. If the word “transcendence” is as mysterious as the secret itself, watch this short and insightful video.
Read MoreHow to Love Yourself Unconditionally
Learn to live a life driven by that inner flame that defines the indispensable you.
Read MoreThe Third Partner In Your Life
Join Rabbi Jacobson as he delves into the fray, and discover that the secret to a healthy and lasting relationship is the “third partner.” Without this “invisible” partner no relationship can truly thrive and perpetuate.
Read MoreHow to Build a Marriage That Defies the Odds
How many of today’s marriages are healthy and successful? What even defines success in marriage? Is it simply two people getting along, or is there more to it? While failed marriages can be difficult to measure, current statistics show up to a 50% divorce rate. And that does not take into account dysfunctional marriages and emotionally divorced couples who remain only technically married.
Read MoreRaising Real Men
Discover how to become the best man you could ever be and nurture your boys to become the best men they could ever be.
Relationship Compatibility: Kabbalah of Dating
The million dollar question: What is the secret to finding a healthy and enduring relationship? What criteria should I be looking for? How can I know if someone is compatible with me? What defines compatibility? How can I identify my true soulmate?
Read MoreFind Your Soul Mate
Attraction, on a spiritual level, is sensing that another person has something that leads you together, to a greater place.
Read MoreFinding the Balance: Panel Discussion on Recovery from Sex and Love Addiction
What are the components that lead to a balanced recovery from Sex and Love addiction, or any other addictive disorder? Addiction does not occur in a vacuum, and our panelists will explore how recovery can fill the various voids created by acting out on sex and love addiction.
Read MoreWhy Get Married? The Kabbalah of Marriage
Two people may love and care for each other but what bonds temporal human beings eternally? What is necessary for two strangers with different personalities and backgrounds, who differ biologically, emotionally, and psychologically, to have an everlasting union?
Read MoreHow to Be Intimate
The sacred union of intimacy and sexuality is when two people love each other and that love permeates not just the bedroom, and not just their bodies, but it permeates their psyches, their minds and their hearts, and above all, their souls.
Read MoreIs Love Selfish or Selfless?
What is love? Love is the single most necessary component of human life, and the foundation of healthy human interaction. It is both giving and receiving, it allows us to experience another person and lets that person experience us.
Read MoreHow to Build a Healthy Home
Our home and family are our nest, the center of our life, the hub from which all our daily experiences extend. How can I assure that I’m creating a home, a nest, that provides emotional and spiritual support for my family? How can I turn my home into a source of energy, hope and love?
Read MoreHow Can We Bring More Love into Our Lives?
With so much darkness around us, learn how to bring more love and unity into our lives.
Read MoreEducating Ourselves and Our Children about Healthy Sexuality and Intimacy
Rabbi Simon Jacobson in Conversation with Dr. Yocheved Debow: Ancient Wisdom for Modern times. Educating Ourselves and Our Children about Healthy Sexuality and Intimacy in this Challenging World.
Read MoreWhat is the Secret to a Lasting Relationship?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this eye-opening presentation, dissecting the anatomy of a relationship, and offering surprising insights into the inner workings of love.
Read MoreThe Kabbalah of Human Connection: 5 Steps to Enhance Your Relationships
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and discover how true connections are forged in our souls. Travel on a fascinating journey into the five dimensions of your soul, reflecting five levels of connection, and learn how to build deeper bonds on each of these levels.
Read MoreAdam and Eve: The Very First Couple
Lessons on relationships: the good, the bad, the ugly – and the divine.
Read MoreRochel: The Selfless Lover
Lessons on eternal relationships and unconditional love; how to be the giver in your life
Read MoreThe Search for Paradise: Tasting the Forbidden Fruit
Lessons on temptation and betrayal: how to regain your innocence and restore your trust
Read MoreDoes Religion Demand Conformity?
Lessons on community and individuality; how to be a unique member in a synergetic society
Read MoreWhy is G-d Invisible?
Lessons on blind faith and true reality; when seeing is not always believing
Read MoreThe Flame, The Cloud and the Dough: 3 Secrets to Eternal Love
Lessons from our mother Sara; how to be a selfless giver
Read More7 Weeks To a Better You – Week 1: Love
In part 1, you will explore love — what exactly is love, how to set a high standard for the love you seek to give and receive, and a step-by-step process on how to achieve those goals. Find out the seven components necessary for healthy and enduring love.
Read MoreThe Secret To Empowering Others
Over the course of your life, are you being taught WHAT to think, or are you learning HOW to think? And what is the difference between the what and the how? Join for this vital conversation on the secret to empowering your friends, family and colleagues and learn how to navigate whatever comes your way.
Read MoreCan a True Relationship be Commitment Free?
Join best-selling author and counselor Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a short, frank discussion about the nature of love and intimacy. Empower yourself to find and maintain the loving relationship that you’ve always wanted.
Read MoreThe Kabbalah of Love
Find out how to create relationships that are meaningful, sustainable and eternal.
Read MoreGiving Unconditional Love
Rabbi Simon Jacobson gives a three-minute talk on the spiritual nature of unconditional love, and what it takes to give it.
Read MoreYou Can’t Run Out of Love
Love is not a mathematical equation. You may need to temper love with boundaries and discipline, but it’s not as if you can run out of it — because it is unlimited.
Read More