Pain & Suffering
The real question we must ask is not just why we sometimes feel such acute pain, but what we are meant to learn from it.
What have I done to deserve this? And how can I make it stop? Sometimes the pain seems to be insurmountable, the suffering cruel in its intensity. But why – I am a good person! I try so hard and yet I am hit again and again with such hurt – the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship, a suffering child. Why would a good G-d allow something like this to happen? Does G-d not cry, as I do? Does G-d not feel pain, as I do? What can I do to make it go away?
Explaining Corruption to Children
When the day comes that our children are old enough to be confused by the dissonance around us, and they approach us with their questions, here are some words that we can offer.
Read MoreVice Advice Series
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he dissects the root and anatomy of each vice according to Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah in the seven part series. Discover why some faiths refer to these as the “Seven Deadly Sins” and how to transform vices into virtues.
Read MoreHow to Turn Around a Negative Experience
Don’t ignore it. Don’t get get depressed by it. Instead, grow through it.
Read MoreLeave Your Past Behind
How can you leave your past behind? You must have a vision for the future. Without a vision for the future, you will gravitate toward the things that controlled you in the past.
Read MorePsychological Damage from Trauma and How to Rebuild
Theme: The Dark Side
No matter what type of trauma you have endured your soul has extraordinary resilience and powerful resources to help you rebuild yourself.
The Only Way Out Is Through
Strong means that at the moments of your deepest shame and discomfort, whether it is at work or in your personal life, you stick with it and solve the problem. Do not give up. The only way out is through.
Read MoreHow to Have a Breakthrough
There are two initial steps to changing the big personal problems that follow you through life.
Read MoreAbuse, Betrayal and Protecting Our Children
Rabbi Simon Jacobson addresses one of the most critical issues of our time: Sexual abuse. How to deal with the deep wounds, including the breach of trust and betrayal resulting from being violated, especially at the hands of a trusted leader and authority.
Read MoreLessons Learned: Where Chassidic Philosophy and Modern Psychology Meet
Join a fascinating discussion with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Devorah Kamman, and Eli Nash to explore where Chassidic Philosophy and modern psychology meet.
Read MoreCoping with Mental Health Challenges Through the Lens of Chassidic Philosophy
Join a frank discussion about coping with mental health challenges with Rabbi Simon Jacobson and Eli Nash.
Read MoreDealing with Loss and Failure, Part 4
The Chassidic Approach to Dealing with Failure. Part 4: How to Help Others Deal with Failure.
Read MoreDealing with Loss and Failure, Part 3
The Chassidic Approach to Dealing with Failure. Part 3: How to Not be Your Own Worst Enemy.
Read MoreDealing with Loss and Failure, Part 1
The Chassidic Approach to Dealing with Failure. Part 1: The Psychological Approach.
Read MoreDealing with Loss and Failure, Part 2
The Chassidic Approach to Dealing with Failure. Part 2: The Spiritual Dynamics.
Read More9/11 All Over Again?
Join Rabbi Jacobson to reflect, remember and honor 9/11, while discovering how we can grow from such pain and destruction.
Read MoreMind Over Matter
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a fascinating discussion on how our mind can truly affect our reality. The way we think can alter the way we live.
Read MoreWhy Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Why is there so much suffering in the world? How do we deal with emotional, spiritual, and psychological pain? Why does G-d sometimes allow righteous people to suffer such extreme pain?
Read MoreCelebrating Vulnerability: The Source of Indestructible Strength
Is there anything positive about vulnerability? Would you be surprised to learn that vulnerability is actually — and counter intuitively — the secret to indestructibility?
Read MoreRise From the Ashes
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this special Tisha B’Av program, and discover how this saddest day of the year paradoxically contains the secret to the most fundamental truths in life: How to rebuild trust after betrayal and regain hope after loss.
Read MoreAre You Judgmental?
Why is it so easy for a person to judge another? Who gave us that right? Judgmentalism is a product of shallow and superficial attitudes. Coming in touch with your core essence builds your self-esteem, which in turn helps you see the core essence of others, allowing you to see them in a positive light.
Read MoreStronger in the Broken Places: 3 Ways to Build Resilience
Build resilience and rebound from a place of being broken with these three steps by Rabbi Simon Jacobson.
Read MoreFinding the Balance: Panel Discussion on Recovery from Sex and Love Addiction
What are the components that lead to a balanced recovery from Sex and Love addiction, or any other addictive disorder? Addiction does not occur in a vacuum, and our panelists will explore how recovery can fill the various voids created by acting out on sex and love addiction.
Read MoreCollateral Damage: Exploring the Devastating Impact an Addict has on Their Loved Ones
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for an honest discussion about addiction and its many victims.
Read MoreQuarantined and Addicted: How Can I Break Free?
Discover how the root of addiction is driven by the need for love and connection. Human beings crave attachment. When we lack healthy attachments, we turn to unhealthy ones. Learn how to transform the dysfunction into the functional; how to gain relief of emptiness and demons by redirecting and channeling cravings toward transcendent goals.
Read MoreJewish Spirituality & Recovery from Addiction
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a talk on Jewish spirituality and the road to recovery from addiction.
Read MoreDo You Live a Life of Quiet Desperation?
Staying in our comfort zones leads to what Thoreau called “lives of quiet desperation.” “Quiet desperation” is when we begin to resign ourselves to the circumstances of our lives.
Read MoreHow to Come Back from the Dark Side
Theme: The Dark Side
Discover the enormous power contained in the “dark side” — like that of a “black hole” — and how to harness it for the good.
Responding To The Pittsburgh Massacre
Theme: Responding to Tragedy
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this somber but candid talk discussing the healthy response to violent acts of hatred.
Read MoreWhy You Should Never Say, “Why Me?”
“Why me?” lands people in a downward spiral of negativity. Learn productive alternatives that allow you to turn your bad experiences and pain into powerful, life-transforming changes.
Read MoreIs Suicide a Solution? Perspective from Kabbalah
Rabbi Jacobson will offer preemptive methods to help anyone who may be contemplating suicide and will provide empowering tools to those who have family or friends at risk.
Read MoreYou Can Suffer Without Becoming a Sufferer
Your past trauma or negative experiences do not define your future experiences — unless you let them. Suffering is a verb — not a noun. It takes work, but you can go through negative experiences without internalizing them.
Read MoreAvoiding Passing Our Own Trauma to Our Children
Discover methods to separate the silver from the dross, to learn from our challenges — to get beyond the ghosts and skeletons in our closets and build powerful, dynamic and wholesome relationships.
Read MoreWhy You Should Make Yourself Uncomfortable
Theme: Use Your Weaknesses for Growth
Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for this short discussion about the connection between adventure, spontaneity, and being uncomfortable. Learn why the discomfort of life’s journey can help lead you toward happiness.
How to Feel Even When You Hurt
The difficult truth is that the only way out of emotional pain is through it. We need to learn how to allow the hurt seep through our beings.
Read MoreHow Not to Dwell on the Past
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson for a short lesson on how to transcend a painful past.
Read MoreHow to Leave Your Past Behind
Discover ways to excise and expunge the toxins of the past and retain the healthy “cells.”
Read MoreCoping With Illness and Difficult Challenges: How to Maintain a Positive Attitude
Life happens – discover cognitive and emotional skills to successfully deal with any given challenge.
Read MoreAre Your Your Worst Enemy?
The downside of self interest is getting trapped in your comfort zone and your own box. What shakes us up?
Read MoreInfertility
Rabbi Simon Jacobson offers hope to a viewer who is facing infertility as a life issue. An inspiring 3-minute video packed with spiritual knowledge.
Read MorePanic Attacks
The wife in an unstable marriage is suffering from panic outbursts and panic attacks.
Read MoreA Deep Dark Dread: How a 3758 Year-Old Vision is Shaping the World Today
Rabbi Simon Jacobson lectures on the challenges facing Israel today and their start with G/d’s vision to Abraham close to 4000 years ago.
Read MoreBetrayed by Religious Leader
How can one cope when he is betrayed by a religious leader? Should he leave religion altogether?
Read MoreAre you Battle-Weary? Transcending Life’s Struggles
The secret to winning your battles lies not in your fighting skills and strategies, but in your attitude and mindset even before you engage in battle.
Read MoreAm I Unlovable? Elul Secrets to Finding Love
Whether you are in need of love or are filled with love, learn how Elul opens for us up the wellsprings of love which run endlessly deep.
Read MoreSweetening Severities: How to Deal with Difficulties
Get a glimpse at suffering as seen through the eyes of a great mystic.
Read MoreThe Desolate Mountain: When Nothing is Everything. A Pre-Nine Days Workshop
Eye-opening Nine Days Workshop. The mightiest power lays buried in the most unglamorous places. Learn the deceptive nature of material existence.
Read MoreThe Crack In Your Psyche: When Was Dissonance Born?
Is your life fragmented and splintered, with various voices and demands tugging you in different directions? Do you often feel like damaged goods? What can we do about it?
Read MoreBetrayal and Commitment
Learn how you too can become an unwavering source of trust, one who is trusted and inspires trust — and how living a dedicated life can transform your entire being.
Read MoreFamily Fight Over Inheritance
“My siblings are tearing our family apart by their fight over an inheritance.”
Read MoreIs This Alcoholic Hopeless?
Spiritual advice for an alcoholic who has “tried everything” but hasn’t gotten sober.
Read MoreEbola, ISIS and Other Global Plagues
Learn lessons from the Great Flood to the modern-day deluges flooding our lives and better understand the key to regaining control of your circumstances.
Read MoreAvenging Innocent Blood – What Jews Can Teach the World
Discover an approach to life and tragedy, that helps you become part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Read MoreCan We Achieve Triumph From Tragedy?
Through trials, tribulations and destruction in Jewish history, our nation endured. Discover how difficulties in our lives can spawn unprecedented power.
Read MoreAre You Lost in a Wilderness? – Dealing with a Hostile World
Uncover deeper strengths and resources in the barreness of this often difficult life. Discover deeper friendships in what seems to be an unfriendly world.
Read MoreThe Roots of Addiction: The First Case of Alcoholism
Discover the secret of living the most balanced and transcendent life! Explore ways how to replace unhealthy addictions and obsessions with positive ones.
Read MoreNothing is as Whole as a Broken Heart
Discover how our cracks are the pathways to our greatest achievements and how utilizing trials and tribulations can reveal the deepest form of light.
Read MoreLonely Man
Moses left us a legacy of facing our deepest questions and coming back stronger from it. He had faith even when there seemed to be no basis for it.
Read MoreThe Talking Donkey
The talking donkey in Parshat Balak reveals a phenomenon new to modern psychology— listening to our body’s voice, which carries messages, memories & power.
Read More42 Journeys Part 3
How will we use the inspiration we gain from nature’s beauty? Will it be a temporary joy that only affects you, or will it have a perpetual effect and inspire you to bring beauty to others?
Read MoreHow to Free Yourself from Your Problems
Are you so “stuck” that you’ve stopped trying to get rid of your problems and have given up? Have your problems caused you to lose respect for yourself? There is a four-part path to freedom from your problem or problems.
Read More42 Journeys Part 2
Around 70% of the Torah is occupied with the 42 journeys of the Jewish people through the wilderness. The Baal Shem Tov explains that the forty-two journeys in the wilderness – from Egypt to Israel – mirror forty-two journeys or phases that each person experiences throughout life.
The Stranger
We are all “strangers” in this world. We are all “special children.” All in need and deserving of unconditional love.
Read MoreThe Pariah
At times, we all experience existential loneliness. The feeling of “not belonging,” that we are alone, different and isolated, without a sense of camaraderie and community.
Read MoreHow to Handle Loneliness
When loneliness has already got you down, here is how to muster up the strength to transcend it.
Read MoreEight Steps to Breaking Bad Habits
The following eight steps, based on ancient knowledge of harnessing the true power of your mind, can help you to move beyond your bad habits. If you can pick up a habit, you can break it.
Read MoreBack to the Tzimtzum
The reality that we live with seems harsh because the world was created dark, but everything in this world has a higher purpose that we can’t see.
Read MoreThe New Moon
When G/d points out to Moses the new moon in Parshat Bo, He really shows him the threshold between evil and good and the birth from darkness to light.
Read MoreOur Response to Tragedy
The response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger holy land, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreKi Tovo: To You My Heart Speaks
The month of Elul is a month of love and compassion. In this time how does prayer help us to face and respond to pain and suffering?
Read MoreChild Abuse
Abuse is only possible because there is a climate, an environment, a breeding ground as it were, that allows abuse to fester and thrive. That breeding ground is the utter ignorance and lack of appreciation of the fundamental sanctity of sexuality.
Read MoreA Strategy to Deal With Toxic People
This is how to respond to negativity in a healthy way.
Read MoreComfort My People
Left with no one else to blame, the child erroneously sees himself as the culprit. And this self-loathing and sense of inadequacy further erodes the child’s confidence. It’s not your fault. Don’t allow yourself to be invalidated. You have all the strength necessary to pick up the pieces and rebuild your life.
Read MoreWhere is G-d When I Cry?
There is such darkness in this world, such unbearable pain, such untold suffering. Where is G-d in all of this?
Read MoreAbandonment
Even when it looks like G-d has abandoned you, He is really right beside you, ready to catch you if you fall.
Read MoreSpecial Children
An email exchange between Rabbi Jacobson and the mother of a bi-polar son illuminates the concept of special children and their unique strengths.
Read MoreAre You Loved?
Being loved by family and friends is a valuable source of comfort and support, but true security can only be found in love which stems from the Divine.
Read MoreWhy It Is Good That Life Is a Struggle
As much as we may prefer an “easy” life, and no matter how “perfect” other people’s lives look, the truth about life is that it is a struggle — and that’s healthy.
Read MoreJoy and Depression
We have the power and ability to bring true and lasting joy into our lives, despite all circumstances.
Read MoreThe Lonely G-d
The next time you feel all alone, remember two things: You are not alone; your loneliness is shared by every soul and by G-d Himself. Every essence is fundamentally alone.
Read MoreLearning From Your Body’s Sensations
Feeling pain or other sensations in your body are opportunities to challenge the way you look at life. They can bring you to the edges of life, allowing you to view it from a new, revealing angle.
Read MoreHow to Relieve Your Emotional Pain
The following three steps, which come from the 4000-year-old tradition of Kabbalah, are a sure way to not only relieve emotional pain, but to become a better person through it.
Read MoreThe Seven Weeks of Comfort
By digging deeper into the 2437 year-old system of the Seven Weeks of Comfort we can discover the secrets of how to deal with all forms of loss and suffering; how to move from destruction to consolation to renewal – the mystery of eternity that has held us together through centuries of upheaval.
Read MoreWhat to Do When Things Fall Apart
When things fall apart there are three initial steps you can take to start restoring security and order to your life.
Read MoreYour Choice: Light or Darkness
Theme: The Dark Side
Psychologically speaking, we need to achieve two things in dispelling the darkness in our own psyches and lives.
Untrained Addiction: Five Steps to Break Addiction
This article on five steps to break addiction is not meant to replace a program of recovery. If you are an addict, please seek help from an established recovery center, recovery group, or therapist.
Read MoreTo Intervene or Not to Intervene
The same question can be asked about every form of inappropriate behavior that we may witness: What is the right thing to do – to intervene or not?
Read MoreMessenger or Matchmaker
Ultimate commitment is when an independent thinker chooses to dedicate himself to a cause greater than himself, to be a messenger and extension of it.
Read MoreThe Power Of Human Touch
The destruction of the second temple was caused by baseless hatred. Can we begin to repair this through the power of the human touch?
Read More42 Journeys Part 6
Whenever you feel disconnected or lost you are going through this journey. An aimless life is a desolate one. Nothing is being built; every effort ends up going nowhere.
Read More42 Journeys Part 5
There will be consequential times – due to excessive circumstances (a death, a major change, a transition) when everything we believe in will be on the line. We then have the choice: Will we sanctify G-d’s name or not?
Read MoreCoping with Grief
Americans have been coping with loss and grief for some time now during the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has cut American life expectancy the largest amount in 40 years and made infectious disease the leading cause of death for the first time in a century. Families who have lost loved ones have had to postpone memorial gatherings, leaving many to cope with their losses in isolation.
Read More
A Mother’s Tears
Rachel exemplifies compassion and enables us to recognize our inherent value by virtue of the fact that every single person was created in the Divine Image.
Read MoreThe Difference Between Self-Compassion and Self-Pity
Appropriate self-compassion is a healthy dose of self-respect and love, combined with a healthy dose of productive self-critique, balanced out by seeing yourself honestly.
Read MoreThe Stutterer
In Parshat Shmot, Moses is revealed to be the first stutterer. Yet, he overcomes this challenge to become G/d’s communication channel to the world.
Read MoreWhen You Can’t Turn Back the Clock
Theme: You Cannot Turn Back the Clock
What can you do when you have regrets but cannot turn back the clock?
Read MoreWhen No is Greater than Yes
Avoiding the wrong thing is better than doing the right thing; protecting is better than serving (Samech Vav) as seen in Parshat Naso and the wilderness.
Read MoreHow to Find Your Inner Strength
Every one of us has inner strengths, far beyond what we are aware of. The extent to which your inner strength is buried within you effects your access to it, yet with the right effort you can discover these powers.
Read MoreProtect Our Children
Parents, educators, anyone who cares – wake up! Our children are at stake. Our future is at stake. Is that not more important than our own petty comfort zones?
Read MoreListen to Your Body
What is most fascinating about this concept is that usually we associate awareness with the soul. Yet, Jewish mysticism teaches that the body too was created by G-d. It therefore contains unique Divine energy of its own. Indeed, the body carries enormous power stemming from the Essence of G-d, which in some ways is superior even to the energy of the soul!
Read MoreSo What if You Are Bad at Sports
This Soul Workout is dedicated to everyone who was picked last for kickball on the playground.
Read MoreSuicidal Thoughts
The words I read in Toward a Meaningful Life pierced through me and opened up a world of new possibilities and serene peace.
Read MoreThe Dislocated Hip
By remembering Jacob’s wound we sensitize ourselves to the fact that mindless immersion in material existence touches a nerve which leaves us wounded.
Read MoreYom Kippur: Your Inner Child
Once a year on Yom Kippur, the high priest entered the Holy of Holies. In the same vein, each person should enter his own holy of holies.
Read MoreArise and Shine
Of all abuses’ devastating effects the most damaging of all is the violation of human dignity. Causing deep shame, abuse demoralizes the human spirit and strips a person of his G-d-given birthright – the sense of self-value and self-esteem.
Read MoreFive Roots of Trauma Revisited
Using the concepts of The Five Roots of Trauma, this article looks at the five tragic events that took place on the 17th of Tammuz..
Read MoreThe Five Roots of Trauma
The three weeks between the first attack on the Holy Temple and the final destruction are a time concentrate on healing by addressing the root of the issue.
Read MoreThe Kabbalah of Curses
The 49 curses listed in the Torah portion of Bechukosei evokes an interesting question: what possible benefit can be found in these curses?
Read MoreRebuilding Life After Trauma: A Six-Step Plan
Repair your own life; help to repair the lives of others; strive to champion the entities which supply dignity and purpose to you and to the world.
Read MoreHope Amid Cancer & Divorce
“Your site helped me to keep my focus on gratitude and the goodness of our Creator and my purpose in this life. You helped me to pull myself together…”
Read MoreHelping a Drug Addicted Relative
What you can, should, and should not do practically for a loved one who is causing self-harm through substance abuse.
Read MoreThe Path to Recovery from Childhood Abuse
The dependable soul-centered path to recovery from life-shattering childhood abuse.
Read MoreRespectful Honesty, Even When it Hurts
Balancing sensitivity, respect, and blunt honesty, is not simple, but it is important and can be done.
Read MoreSimchat Torah: Through Water and Fire
The joy and the tears all dissolved into one transcendent dance; a dance that captured the essence of joy and pain, ecstasy and agony – the indestructible core of life itself.
Read More50 Reasons Why Your Life Matters
Sometimes it seems like our lives don’t matter. Whether you are in the depths of depression or have survived an assault on who you are, or even if you are just having a really bad day, sometimes it seems like, “My life doesn’t matter.” However: That thought is wrong. Your life does matter.
Read MoreCholent: The Purpose of Exile
The purpose of exile as explained through the metaphor of cholent, a stew eaten on the Jewish Sabbath. What cholent teaches us about the meaning of exile.
Read MorePurim: Joy on Demand?
Purim is a day of joyous abandon that transcends conventional boundaries. It is a day when a window opens up that allows us deep inside of ourselves.
Read MoreProductive Grieving
The Rebbe offers guidance on the most productive way to grieve, and explains how it is both therapeutic for the bereaved and productive for the soul of the departed.
Read MoreThe Paradox of Pain
From Parshat Maasei & the period of the 3 Weeks we learn not to view difficulty as a wholly negative experience, but as the greatest facilitator of growth.
Read MoreTHE REBBE : The Ache in my Heart
While I continue to experience the Rebbe as a very active, involved part of my life, still, I miss the flesh & blood connection.
Read MoreBitter Knowledge
Insightful words by the Rebbe Maharash: “In truth, we could be rid of the oppressors of Israel. But the Jewish people prefer the bitter medicine”.
Read MoreThe “Impossible” Dream
Caleb’s role in the tragic story of The 12 Spies in Parshat Shelach.
Read MoreLand and See
One of the greatest tragedies of Jewish history was the debacle of “The Spies” in Parshat Shelach. The spies failed their mission: it all came down to sight
Read MoreReeh: Boundaries
This week’s Torah portion deals with blessings and curses. In the face of world tragedies, how does the Torah explain the reconciliation of both?
Read MoreVeatchanan: A New Religion
This week’s Torah chapter opens up with Moses’ begging G-d to allow him into the Promised Land. This article explores the personality of the first zionist..
Read MoreThe Intimate Estrangement
Linking G-d’s bond with the Jews as a marriage with the ten haftarot called “the Three of Rebuke and the Seven of Consolation” in explaining the galut/exile.
Read MoreThe Bottom of the Barrel
One of the great Chassidic masters teaches us about sadness and where the pieces of a broken heart should lie.
Read MoreA Matter Of Perspective
There was never enough to eat in Reb Zusha’s home, and his family was beset with all sorts of afflictions and illnesses. Yet the man was forever good-humored and cheerful, and constantly expressing his gratitude to the Almighty for all His kindness.
Read MoreSteadfast Faith in the Face of Tragedy
The question of “why do the righteous suffer?” was asked by Moses – emphasizes the Rebbe; but it did not – in any way – affect his simple faith in G-d.
Read MoreThoughts to Comfort the Bereaved
The Rebbe offers two parallel meditations from which those who are bereaved — who mourn for a dear departed, can take profound comfort.
Read MoreToldot: Our Response to Tragedy
The Jewish response to a gruesome attack, is to channel all our outrage and fury into a spiritual eruption of building an even stronger Jerusalem, both physically and spiritually.
Read MoreKi Teitzei: Childhood Innocence and Blood
Beheading of Steven Sotloff: At times like this don’t you just want to curl back up into your fetal-like childhood innocence? An essay on staying innocent in a psychotic world.
Read MoreReeh: ISIS Beheadings and Clarity
The horrifying ISIS beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley, while Israel is entangled in its war against Hamas terror: Where should the Western world go now?
Read MoreDevarim: When Will We Stop Crying?
Nothing can vanquish Israel’s existence. All these challenges have exposed an indestructible resilience.
Read MoreLight That Dispels Darkness: Why Do Good and Evil Exist?
We all struggle to fathom how a good and righteous G-d could allow so much suffering and could permit such atrocities in the world. An obvious question inevitably arises: Why did G-d create evil, and how can we reconcile it with His goodness? In other words, why do good and evil exist?
Read MoreA Matter of Perspective
A frightful pauper, there was never enough to eat in Reb Zusha’s home, and his family was beset with all sorts of afflictions and illnesses. Yet the man was forever good-humored and cheerful, and constantly expressing his gratitude to the Almighty for all His kindness. It was a matter of perspective.
Read MoreA Waste of Time
Time is now the most precious of resources, its every moment an asset that must be utilized to the utmost. There is no time for depression.
Read MoreBringing Light to the Darkest Places
Even in the darkest moments there is light somewhere. A discussion with Simon Jacobson about reaching depressed people and finding light in dark places.
Read MoreHow Can a Good G-d Allow So Much Pain
Why do bad things happen to good people? How can God allow or do painful things? An open discussion on these tough questions.
Read MoreRising From the Ashes
There is a secret world in which your first tablets were never broken. We each possess a tiny corner in our soul which forever remains invincible and pure. A look at the personal meaning of the shattered tablets.
Read MoreThank You for Giving Me Back My Life
A moving letter of a survivor of childhood abuse who found out that her life is meaningful. Example of spirituality helping with overcoming child abuse.
Read MoreDepression & Mental Illness
The author of the best-selling “Toward a Meaningful Life” discusses the spiritual roots and solutions for depression in an open forum.
Read MoreGood Grief
Chassidic teaching differentiates between two types of sorrow: merirus, a constructive grief, and atzvus, a destructive grief. The first is active, the second—passive. The first one weeps, the second’s eyes are dry and blank.
Read MoreLoneliness
The excitement to jump out of bed knowing that you have a mission to do, something that you’re needed for today, is ultimately the solution to any type of sense of deep loneliness.
Read MoreWhat is Pain?
What is the purpose of pain? Why do good people suffer? Are there any benefits to pain? How can we alleviate our pain?
Read MoreVayeirah : G-d’s Mysterious Ways
Our relationship with G-d is a two-way street: The more we immerse ourselves in our calling and the more dedicated we become to our mission, the more access we gain to the deeper mysteries of life.
Read MoreMattot: World War III
Rabbi Jacobson discusses the tragic murder of Leiby Kletzky, and calls for a war against cruelty to children.
Read MorePurim: An Open Letter to a Concealed G-d
We have lived in the dark long enough. It’s high time to take off Your mask and cloak, and show us Your face.
Read MoreTime To Sing
I realized and continue to realize the deep grief of so many tormented souls; children whose lives were forever altered because of a self-indulgent, sick adult.
Read MoreVaeira: Haiti
Rabbi Simon Jacobson reflects on the humanitarian response to the Haiti disaster, and how it reflects a shift in global spiritual engagement.
Read MoreVayechi: 2500 Seekers
Let us always remember that whomever you meet in the coming year will not be an accident. It will be an opportunity – a dual opportunity: For you to illuminate, inspire and warm that person’s soul, to inspire encourage that person to add and extra good deed; and for you to be illuminated and inspired in return.
Read MoreShemini Atzeret: The World and You
We dwell in Sukkot, made of vegetation of the world, we pray and commit to improve and refine the nations of the world, we dance and celebrate in public, we engage, connect and unite with others.
Read MoreMatos-Massei: One Small Step
If our “one step” on the moon can humbly remind us that the internal “moon” of our own inner malchus/dignity remains intact, and that it can actually experience rebirth and renewal, than this indeed is “one giant leap for mankind.”
Read MoreJoy Amidst Turmoil
Connect your active life to a deeper mission, reintroduce seamlessness into your existence, and you will begin releasing the joy within you.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Responding To Mumbai
Rabbi Simon Jacobson discusses the tragic 2008 killing of the Holtzbergs, Chabad shluchim, in Mumbai, India.
Read MoreToldot: Beyond Life And Death
My granddaughter just arrived from another world, and has brought us a message of hope. Despite the tragic losses and senseless pain, beyond the incomprehension of it all, life is born yet again.
Read MoreKi Teitzei: Time To Sing
I realized and continue to realize the deep grief of so many tormented souls; children whose lives were forever altered because of a self-indulgent, sick adult.
Read MoreExposing Abuse
What are our obligations as parents, teachers, writers, website editors, or just plain adult citizens, when it comes to abuse?
Read MoreVaetchanan: Comfort My People
Many tears indeed can be shed for our children whose lives are prematurely “hijacked” by the demons of abuse and drugs; bright futures suddenly aborted; robbed of their possibilities; injured psyches.
Read MoreThe Destruction and Restoration of Dignity
He is still controlled by the dark demon within. He lives in world of shadows, seemingly always on the run. Escaping what? Himself above all. Why they call it “substance abuse” seems odd; it’s not abuse of the substance, but of yours.
Read MoreThe Calling of Our Generation
The 20th century experienced some of the worst destruction and greatest advances this world has ever seen. In light of this dynamic globe, what is the purpose of our generation?
Read MoreTazria: Bad Religious Experiences Part 2
With the breakdown of authority, it is absolutely critical to ensure that each of us “own” our choices; that the path of faith become your path, not someone else’s.
Read MoreKi Tissa: Suffering
In Parshat Ki Tissa, Moses learns to be a partner with G/d and to see His face when He reveals it, even in suffering.
Read MoreNoach: Raging Waters
Not only are we never given a challenge we cannot overcome, but from Parshat Noach we learn that every challenge brings us to an even greater height.
Read MoreSimchat Torah: Bizarre Journeys
Wherever you go, as difficult as the journey may be it is all for a higher purpose: to redeem the Divine sparks that can only be found in that dark place.
Read MoreYom Kippur: The Kittel
Comforts and freedom often lead to complacency, but Yom Kippur reminds us simultaneously of our troubles and our triumphs, encouraging us to reflect on the mysterious cycle of life.
Read MoreShemini-Passover: Kaddish
Nothing can console those who have lost a loved one. The only thing keeping them whole is a connection something greater than death and life, G-d.
Read MoreChaya Sarah: Tattoos
Man can transcend seemingly permanent scars or wounds – both physical and psychological – and access the inner recesses of his soul.
Read MoreChukat: The Face
In Parshat Chukat Moses’ face turned pale: knowing what it means to be created in the “Divine Image” & learning the cycle of life & death through faces.
Read MoreNasso: Raw Ovol
For the first time in my 48 years I am an “ovol,” a griever. My father always knew he was on a mission. With the passion of a soldier he never wavered.
Read MoreThe Kabbala of Curses
The 49 curses listed in the Torah portion of Bechukosei evokes an interesting question: what possible benefit can be found in these curses?
Read MoreTazria: Divine Wrath
Understanding the apparent abundance of violence and anger in the Torah requires one to gain deeper insight into its literal and symbolic dimensions.
Read MoreIndividuality in Judaism
Freedom of expression and individuality are often quashed under religious pretenses in favor of a single-minded disciplinarian conformity.
Read MoreBo: All This Talk About G-d
You are created in G-d’s image with the power to act as a leader towards the Redemption, just as Moses does in Parshat Bo.
Read MoreThe War of Water and Land
In Parshat Shmot, Moses introduces us to the dichotomy of land and water, destruction and reparation, existing to keep the world in balance.
Read MoreShmot: Tsunami
In Parshat Shmot, Moses introduces us to the dichotomy of land and water, destruction and reparation, existing to keep the world in balance.
Read MoreVayigash: Faith and Reason
An examination of the apparent dichotomy between faith and reason in the modern world, and a realistic perspective of these two forces from a Biblical perspective.
Read MoreVayeirah : The Mission Continues
The topics discussed include G-d’s plans “behind the curtain,” the power of prayer, and each individual’s mission in this world.
Read MoreNasoh: Balance
Understanding tiferet (balance) in Parshat Nasoh: balance between spirit & matter; body & soul; and love (chesed) & discipline (gevurah) in relationships.
Read MoreAcharei Kedoshim: Transitions and Premonitions
A personal story about a man standing on the edge of the spiritual world is shared, followed by an examination of both spiritual and physical dimensions.
Read MoreVayechi: Do our Shadows have Substance?
Embracing the duality of life in both its light and dark dimensions may not lead to nirvana, but will allow one to peacefully navigate the dynamic waters.
Read MoreBehar: How Do I Find a True Rabbi? Part 2
In part two of the answer to how one finds an authentic educator, Rabbi Simon Jacobson tells a personal story and discusses the shortcomings of modern education.
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