Sukkot: The Power of Joy Amidst Uncertainty
Sometimes joy seems impossible but true happiness is a commitment to good which can overpower the greatest darkness.
Read MoreBereishis: Renewal, Not Just Survival
The concept of perpetual creation: Existence has no validity on its own and must be renewed each moment.
Read MoreChaya Sarah: Ishmael – How Does it End ?
The story of Ishmael son of Abraham – a story of aggression and banishment, but also a story that concludes with hope and redemption.
Read MoreToldot: The Plot Thickens – Jacob & Esau: Two Nations
How do you reconcile and integrate body and soul, matter and spirit – G-d and the universe? The answer is to infuse matter with spirit.
Read MoreMikeitz: Joseph's Treasure – The Refinement Process Begins
Joseph’s leadership sets the tone and gives direction for the work to come in refining the wealth of sparks in the world today, empowering this generation.
Read MoreVayigash: Joseph & Marx – Work & Alienation
Joseph possessed the unique power to integrate spirit and matter in an imperfect world where materialism dominates. Let us learn how this can be achieved.
Read MoreVayechi: End of Book One – Jacob Never Dies
Jacob and Joseph always remind us that we can overcome any challenge. When we hold onto our faith in G-d and His promises, then we will always prevail.
Read MoreShmos: Entering the Real World
As the Book of Exodus begins, the Jewish plight transforms from local to global. Slavery teaches the nation of suffering and redemption.
Read MoreBo: Water, Egypt & September 11
An exploration of the Kabbalistic meaning of water and Moses’ connection to it. Today, do we feel safest on land or in water?
Read MoreYitro: Skyscraper – Where Heaven Meets Earth
At Mt. Sinai, the physical and spiritual worlds merged. The NYC skyline shows a man-made version of this, yet reminds us of the fragility of man’s work.
Read MoreMishpatim: Is Logic Logical? Our Changing World
A look at logic and superalogic in our world and why we feel connected to each.
Read MoreTerumah: The Seventh Generation from Abraham to Moses
Moses, the seventh generation after Abraham, teaches us how to transform the world around us into a home for G-d.
Read MoreVeyakhel: Chaos & Redemption
Parshat Veyakhel reveals the third step that empowers one to face any challenge- Exodus from oppression, Torah at Sinai, and building a Mishkan.
Read MoreVayikra: Where Are Our Leaders?
A lack of true leadership in present times may in fact be a call for all citizens of the world to discover the leader within themselves.
Read MoreTazriah-Metzorah: Interesting Paradoxes
The dichotomy between good and evil as well as truth and lies are discussed in the context of current world events and prevailing points of view.
Read MoreEmor: Radiant Caution – On War & Love
The concept of loving discipline is examined in contrast to a discipline born out of fear and guilt, which is ultimately ineffective.
Read MoreBehar-Bechukotai: The Ultimate Peace Plan
Peace and security are guaranteed if we heed the word of G-d, but when we lose sight of our Divine calling, the world fall into despair and anxiety.
Read MoreShavuot: Esau, Ishmael, & Sinai
G-d approached the nations of the world thousands of years ago and offered them the Torah before being accepted by the Israelites. What are the modern implications of this?
Read MoreBahalotcha: The Journey
The Bible is filled with journeys, the greatest of which isn’t even completed in the 5 books; in this case the destination is created through the journey.
Read MoreMatot-Masei: Three Weeks of Pain, Seven of Comfort, & Two of Return
Parshat Matot-Masei: 3 Weeks of Pain, 7 of Comfort & 2 of Return. Understanding the 3 Weeks of mourning in a chassidic discourse by Reb Hillel of Paritch.
Read MoreEikev-Nachamu: From Lebanon to Jerusalem – Diary
As he travels around Israel Rabbi Jacobson rediscovers all the historic sites that the world has tried to bulldoze over.
Read MoreKi-Teitzei: The Seven Weeks of Comfort
Following the three weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple, there is a seven week period of comfort which allows us to heal and renew our connection to G-d.
Read MoreRosh Hashanah: New Year 5763
Though the situation may seem grim we have the ability to transform it into a renewal of strength by seeing this for what it really is, a new world.
Read MoreSukkot: Has Anyone Found my Chicken on S. Monica Blvd?
On Sukkot we celebrate the unique opportunity that Yom Kippur offers us; to reconnect with your soul and G-d despite any previous transgressions.
Read MoreBereishit: Passion & Complacency
Let us set the world on fire, the fire of spiritual passion that transforms. Together let us create a true revolution: Passion with poise.
Read MoreNoach: The Birth of Nations
Armed with the retrospective wisdom derived from the lessons of history – we must ask ourselves: Have we learned something? Are we listening?
Read MoreLech-Lecha: A Man of Certainty in Uncertain Times
Abraham discovered the only certainty in life: The absolute commitment to your Divine calling, the mission for which you have been uniquely chosen.
Read MoreVayera: G-d Said to Abraham: Kill Me a Son
Let us learn from Abraham and Isaac. When your love is infused with dedication to that which is beyond you, to the eternal – then you and your family too become eternal.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: Eulogy
The Arizal teaches us that each of us is allocated a certain number of Divine sparks that we are meant to elevate in our life journey.
Read MoreVayishlach: Are We Victims?
Prayer is the foundation –Faith then dictates and infuses you with the fortitude to do whatever it takes, everything humanly possible to ensure victory.
Read MoreShmot: The Art of Communication
In Parshat Shmot, Moses becomes the channel through which G/d speaks to Pharaoh and to His people, revealing the secret to communication.
Read MoreVaeirah: Kabbalah of Kabbalah
Kabbalah reveals the secrets of the soul and a level of spirituality that brings vitality to day-to-day religious practices.
Read MoreBeshalach: On Faith & Trust
In Parshat Beshalach, the Jewish People reveal their belief in G-d and Moses after hundreds of years in bondage that bolstered their faith and trust.
Read MoreMishpatim: Leadership with Love
A response to further questions about the infrastructure of shlichus dealing with leadership versus unity in this system.
Read MoreSh'lach: The Birth of Projection
In Parshat Shelach the scouts projected their feelings. We learn that through life’s challenges the question is not whether we can do it, but how we can.
Read MoreKislev 19 in Babylon
The power of Yud-Tes Kislev: two events on the same day 205 years apart – the Alter Rebbe’s release from prison & Saddam Hussein’s capture. The connection?
Read MoreTerumah: Slippery Slopes
What causes us to slip? Whether on ice or in a nervous moment, why do we lose our balance? The answer is explained scientifically and psychologically.
Read MoreVayeishev: Madoff And Holtzberg
If money is the source of your power and security, than money will also be your source of destruction and disgrace. Because after all, money is transient, and anything transient can never provide the firm foundation of security.
Read MoreChukat-Gimmel Tammuz: The Silent Sun
I miss the Rebbe. I cry for the Rebbe, a true man of G-d. In my heart and mind, he still speaks for hours upon hours, his countenance shining, sharing a taste of reality with us.
Read MoreThoughts to Comfort the Bereaved
The Rebbe offers two parallel meditations from which those who are bereaved — who mourn for a dear departed, can take profound comfort.
Read MoreThe Torah Says
Each year the Maggid of Trsik would begin the year by citing sources as proof that this is the year that the Moshiach would come, the year of redemption…
Read MoreWaking Moment
As soon as we wake from sleep we recite the Modeh Ani prayer, acknowledging that it is He who grants us life and being every moment of our existence.
Read MoreThe Rebirth of the Birthday
Two great luminaries in the history of Chassidism were born on the 18th of Elul and in recent generations this date has been marked with significance.
Read MoreOn the Non-Existence of Evil
Parhat Ki Tavo includes the “Rebuke” (tochacha),of the Jewish people should they forsake the Torah commandments. Rebuke can be understood is various ways…
Read MoreA Cup of Vinegar
What is the connection between Shabbat and Amalek and why did the people of Israel have a problem with remembering both?
Read MoreEvil: Two Translations
The Torah unequivocally states: “See, I am giving you today the blessing and the curse”. Theologians and philosophers have oft debated the dichotomy of this
Read MoreThe Rich Partner
In this miraculous story the request of one man is directly answered after he requests of G-d to uphold His duties.
Read MoreThe Times of Our Lives
To the physicist it is the fourth dimension, to the mystic it is the first creation. To most of us, time is simply a faceless tyrant, an abstract dimension.
Read MoreThe Psalmist and the General
Av and Elul, the eleventh and twelfth months of the Jewish year, are end to end in the calendar but worlds apart in character and temperament.
Read MoreHeat and Cold
When saying the amidah(“standing” prayer) the Talmud instructs us to beware of interruption..
Read MoreBelow The Surface
One of the great chassidic masters once said: A chassid should be capable of the following three feats…
Read MoreThe Nullification of the Commandments
There exists three stages of creation corresponding to three stages of observing the Torah law: The present world, the Messianic world and the world to come
Read MorePersonal Politics
Rabban Gamliel the son of Rabbi Judah HaNassi would say… Be careful of the government, for they befriend a person only for their own needs.
Read MoreWords of Rebuke
The book of Deuteronomy opens with Moses’ final message to the people of Israel..
Read MoreNature of Light – Part 2
Enjoy these Jewish mystical teachings on light, by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, best-selling author of “Toward a Meaningful Life”.
Read MoreMyOmer App
MyOmer is more than a counter, it’s a story, an illumination – a journey through the human genome. This app is timeless and timely – it offers for the very first time a proven 3300 year system applied to contemporary life. A 49-step journey that is as exhilarating as it is challenging, as it opens up your emotions and provides you with new life skills and tools.
Read MoreUpheaval and Change Part III
Unlike personal tragedy and loss, which affect the lives of individuals and those close to them, upheaval is large-scale disruption that imperils communities, destabilizes nations or even endangers the entire world.
Read MoreConnect, Unite and Explore: An Evening Celebrating the Life and Legacy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
On Thursday, April 7, 7 PM EDT Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Senator Joe Lieberman, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Eli Marcus and others, join together for an evening to honor the Rebbe’s 120th Birthday.
Read MoreVacation or Holiday?
In America we go on “vacation,” however in England and the Commonwealth it is called a “holiday”…
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